chapter 21

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Two weeks have past and the newly weds have come back from their honeymoon.

Rocky- hey erika do want to come clubbing with me and Anthony and I think Jake might be there too. I understand if you don't with ja-
Erika- no no I would love to. There's no need to make this more awkward. It's been that way for far too long. We talked at the wedding. There is no beef. We agreed to be friends.
Rocky- really? Wow I missed a lot. Well sounds good to me I'll let my hubby know.
Erika- aw how cute so rubbing your happy marriage in my face😂

Tony- hey Jake! Rocky, Erika, and I are going clubbing do u want to join?
Jake- are u sure would Erika go if I went?
Tony-Yeah she Rocky said she said y'all are friends now apparently.
Jake- ok cool man I'll see y'all at 9.
Tony- see ya bro!

Jakes POV: wow I'm surprised Erika said we are friends. That's good for me though. I still love her I just don't want to push anything especially since she has adam ugh.

Erika's pov: I gotta look hot especially since he's gone be there.

Erika's fit:

perfect! I look hot

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perfect! I look hot.

Jakes pov- man I getting a little nervous now. My palms are sweating. *erika enters the club* oh my mother of Pearl. She looks so hot right now. I want her, like now.

Erika walks around a little before look up at Jake and making eye contact..

Erika- hey jake
Jake- hey rik
Erika- oh so we doing nicknames now ok they hey dino!
Jake- oh my you remember haha
Erika- of course I do. Well I'm gonna dance..
Jake- wait let me join you..
Erika- okay but know funny business out there.
Jake- *smirks* okay Rik but no promises
The two hit the dance floor. Rik dances like she never has before..
ooh wee Rik is looking so hot right now. I can't keep it together anymore. I WANT HER.

Jake- uh Rik.. I gotta go.. I'll be back in a sec
Erika- *looks down* oh u gotta fix ur friend *smikrs*
Jake- *blushes* yeah.. 

I come back  and find Rik taking shots.. lots of shots. Well this is going to be interesting.
Jake- hey Rik I'm back
Erika- oh my gosh u look exactly like my ex boyfriend. He was an a**
Jake- ooh that hurts
Erika- yeah but i still love him. Crazy right. I'm pathetic after all these years he still makes my heart race a little.
Wow, she still loves me!! Oh my Lanta. I love her too. She really has know idea does she. Well let's she what else she's gonna say.
Erika- you look really hot by the way. Like really hot.
Jake- oh yeah.. u do too. 😏
before another second passes.. Erika smashes her lips into jakes pulling him in. He hesitates at Ford but soon deepens the kissing pulling her closer. Erika whispers softly "i want you" Jake looks up at her lustful eyes. "i want you too but this isn't right, you are drunk," Jake responded. "I don't care. Don't u want me? Erika said looking at her with puppy dog eyes. Jake said, oh trust me i do but just not like this."
Jake- c'mon let's go home
Erika- ooh ur waking me home😏
Jake- gosh why do u have to be so drunk right noww

*they arrive to jakes house*
Jake- here u can have the bed.
Erika- thanks but don't you want to stay with me
Jake- trust me when u wake up, you don't want me right beside you in the bed.
Erika- ooh but I do right now.. c'mon I want to snuggle.
Jake- okay... goodnight erika
Erika- *takes off her shirt* goodnight stranger
Jake- wait why did you just take ur shirt off
Erika- what do u have a problem with it?
Jake- no.. no
Gosh this girl test me every single day... *in the middle of the night* *kiss... kiss... kiss*
Jake- Erika what are you doing
Erika- mhm.. kiss.. I'm kissing you what do u think I'm doing? She then gets on top of Jake where he can see her completely naked. She leans in for a kiss and Jake finally can't resist and pulls her down kissing her more passionately than ever.. he flips them over to where he is on top.
Erika- ooh u like to take control don't you hottie
Jake- *smirks* im sorry I can't, this isn't right
Erika- oh it's right just not right, right now.
Jake then gets off of Erika and they go to sleep.


Erika's pov: where the heck am i *she rolls over and sees jake* oh my goshhh. I didn't. Did I just sleep with Jake?
Jake- good morning sunshine😏
Erika- did we.. did uh we sleep together
Jake- no... but let's just say you really really wanted to
Erika- *blushes* oh my- well I better go
Jake- *holds up her clothes from the night before* don't forget these
Erika- yeahh..

Erika's pov: oh. My. Gosh. I am such an idot! I gotta call Rocky

Rocky- hey girl! Where were u last night. You kinda just left
Erika- oh.. i left with Jake
Rocky- ooh you did. Well what happened
Erika- I don't really know. I was so wasted. He said we didn't sleep together, but I apparently really wanted too
Rocky- oh rik
Erika- I know I know I'm so embarrassed now. Okay well I gotta go.
Rocky- see ya

Rocky and Anthony's wedding  (a Jerika story) Where stories live. Discover now