chapter 22

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incoming call from Rik

Jake- oh ah hey Erika
Erika- hey listen I just wanted to apologize abt other night. I wasn't in my right state of mind.
Jake- oh it's okay. I understand
Erika- okay well that's all I wanted I guess goodby-
Jake- wait Rik.. uh.. um.. I love you. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want anyone else.
Erika- oh jake i but this- this isn't right
Jake- no ur wrong it is right.. and right now I know I want you. I want to hold you. I want to be the father of your kids and have a future with you and only you.
Erika- Jake
Jake- I know I know what you are going to say-
Erika- Jake turn around
Jake turns around to see Erika standing in the drive way.. she runs to him jumping in his arms. Never wanting to let go.
Erika- i love you too jake. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Jake- i promise I will never let you go. I love you erika Costell
Erika- and i love you Jake Paul.
They share the most passionate kiss ever. Jake embraced Erika in his arms.

And his right.. he never let her go. They are now married with 3 kids living their happiest life together. I guess in the end it's true... true love does prevail, always.

Thank you everyone!!! It's crazy to believe I ever came back to this story after over like 2 years, but I felt like I owe this story justice by finishing it! So here you go! I hope you all enjoy!!

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