Chapter 5

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Back in the class...

"Hey guys" Erika says.
Everyone screams, "omg, the Erika Costell, I love you." ❤️

"Aww how sweet, I love you too!" Erika responds.

After Erika and the rest of the class dance....

Two weeks later...

Jake's POV: I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since I saw her at the dance class even though she didn't know it was me. I got a remember I still have Tana. Tana... I have to ask her to be my date.

"Hey babe" I say to Tana

"Hey babe", she responded

"I was wondering if you would be my date to Anthony's wedding?"

"Aww is he marrying Rocky? How sweet. I would love to go. When is it?"

"It's 1 1/2 months from this Saturday."

"Aww babe I'm sorry I have to record for my show that Saturday."

"Oh it's ok"

"I'm really sorry"

Jake's POV: Well... great. Just great now I'm gonna go to the wedding looking like I'm single and have done nothing since we broke up. She's gonna think I'm worthless. Wait, why do I keep caring what she thinks. Well maybe Jake, because you once dated her and you wanted to look like you're more successful than her, when you're really not. UGH

"Hey Rik, is the video done?" Rocky said

"Yep, oh and you're going to love it."

"Oh thank you soo much Rik, love you."

"Love you too, now go get your beauty sleep. Your big day is only a week away."

"Okay Bye Rik See you later"

Erika's POV: yep that's right. The wedding is a week away. I have accomplished so much. I finished my next album. It should be coming out in a month or two. I also finished the video and taught Anthony and Rocky how to dance. I'm going to be preforming at the wedding too. Wish me luck. Oh and yes I did indeed find a date. Well a fake boyfriend. Okay... I know I probably shouldn't lie to everyone about my date but when your ex boyfriend is going to be there and have his girlfriend, you don't want to seem like a loner. So.. yeah. Only Rocky knows everyone else thinks we have been dating privately and we just now are opening up about it. His name is Adam. I told him all about my history and Jake and I history. He should know everything. He better, I had to pay him big bucks to come. Oh my, what has my life come to.

Jake's POV: Tana and I just broke up. I truly didn't see us together in the long run, but I really liked her. She was awesome. She taught me more lessons I felt like I needed to learn. But, I wish we could've stayed together until after the wedding. But, oh well I guess I'll be the loner or I could call Alexis to be my date.

Anthony's POV: I just heard that Jake and Tana broke up. I know this is bad but, I'm kinda of happy. Don't get me wrong, I think Tana is an awesome and dope individual. But I didn't love Jake and her together. It didn't match to me. They always looked more like siblings then bf/ gf to me. But I hope he doesn't pull some mess and bring a random girl to my wedding. I don't want there to be any drama at my wedding. This is about me and Rocky. Oh and Rocky, I know for sure she doesn't want a random chick at her wedding. And I know she won't allow it either.

The wedding day...

Sorry this chapter is so short, but I will be posting another chapter in a little bit. Also, National left handers day was yesterday. So, happy left handers day to anyone who is left handed! 💛I am myself, so feel free to comment if you are.

Rocky and Anthony's wedding  (a Jerika story) Where stories live. Discover now