Chapter 15

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Erika's POV: I decided I was going to walk back into that room, pretend like nothing happened, and just have a good time. And oh look there's Adam all just hang out with him.

"Hey Adam" Erika said.

"Oh hey Erika, I'm sorry I didn't mean for all that to happen. Are you ok?" Adam said.

"Oh it's not your fault, I have decided to forget about it and have a good time."

"That's great, and I'll be glad to help you. How about we go dance." Adam said.

"Ok" *giggles*

While they were dancing...

Ok, so Rik tell me something about yourself that I don't know." Adam said

"Um I am a model for VS, um I do music, I love goats. I don't know. *giggles*

"No, tell me something that the world doesn't know about you. We all know you are a beautiful model and an amazing musician." Adam says

"Ok well I like to dance even though I'm bad at it. I love to go hiking and anything outdoors. I love looking at the stars at night. And oh I love watching sports." Erika says

"That's it, I love hiking too actually."

"Really?" Erika says shocked

"Yeah I'm definitely an outdoors person. I love hiking and I love basically being outside 24/7." Adam said.

"Oh wow, I didn't expect you to be like that at all to be honest." Erika said

"Well what did you think I was like?"

"Well to be honest I was so caught up on my own personal problems that I just knew you where hot and would work great as a fake boyfriend."

"Wow I'm so honored, haha. Well at least I'm hot."

"Haha yeah."

"Do-do you wanna get a drink?" Adam said

"Yeah sure."

Jake's POV: I decided I was gonna man up and go talk to Erika. I was gonna apologize and maybe talk to her how I feel. 😊I was walking until I found Erika... she was dancing with Adam, her fake boyfriend, oh great. I just gonna ask to speak to her... until I saw her and Adam kissing. What? My heart drop. It was like we had broken up all over again. I don't know why I was so upset. I mean we broke up forever ago, but it still hurt. I decided I was gonna go hang out with some friends and get my mind off of it.

I don't know if it was the moment or the drink but it just felt so satisfying. I don't know if it was the fact I haven't really had a boyfriend in years or that I haven't had the time to feel loved in a romantic way by someone. Or maybe it was just my hormones taking over me I don't know, but I enjoyed that kiss with... Adam. I decided to pull away and we just stand there smiling at each other.

"I'm gonna go get another drink, do you want one?"  Erika said

"No, I'm good. But hey don't take to long. 😏" Adam responded.

"I won't don't worry." *smiles*

I went to go get a drink and of course I saw... Jake at the table getting one for himself. Of course I had to see him.

"Oh hey rik-" Jake said.

"I don't want to talk to you Jake."

"Please can you at least let me apologize."

"Ugh, sure but make it quick." Erika said

"Don't worry I will, I promise. Now follow me." Jake grabs Erika wrist

"Wait where are we going?"

"Just to the balcony."

They take a seat...

"Okay so go ahead." Erika said.

"Well first off I want to apologize for yelling at you in front of everyone. That was not my intentions for the night." Jake said

"Ok but why did you care so much, so what if I was talking to your friend." 

What do I say? What do I say?

"Um well, i heard you in the bathroom and-"

"Why were you stalking me, while I was in the bathroom?" Erika said

"No I didn't mean to I was just walking by I promise." Jake said

"Okay... so"

"Oh yeah, Well Erika I am soo sorry I'm truly so sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad or upset. To be honest I was trying to avoid you tonight but we see how that worked." Jake said

"Wait why were you trying to avoid me?" Erika said

"Oh I -I don't know I guess I just thought it would be awkward seeing my ex and all."

"Yeah I get that."

They both went quiet for a moment just staring at each other in the eyes... becoming closer and closer...

"You know you look beautiful tonight Rik." Jake said.

"Thanks ButI should probably get back to Adam." Erika said

"Oh Rik please, I know he is not actually your boyfriend."

Wait, what how the heck did he know that?

"H-How did you know?"

"I heard you in the bathroom." Jake said.


Of course he had to hear me in the bathroom. Oh but can we talk about how fast my heart is beating right  now. We are both just staring at each other in the eyes not saying a word. But he just looks so perfect with his blonde hair curls and those hazel eyes. Oh I can't go back to that time in my life.

Then it happens we kiss. It was mix of fireworks and colors popping and bursting out. We kissed like we hadn't seen in each other in years, which we hadn't. It feel so perfect but yet so wrong all at the same time. So I pull away.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

Hey everyone! This is a surprise chapter today since I will not be able to post on Wednesday next week. I will be gone all week on a trip. So I thought I would post it now! Enjoy!💜

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