Chapter 1

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"Do you like red velvet or vanilla better?
I think red velvet, but Anthony says vanilla," Rocky says pacing back and forth.

"Well what do you think?"
"Erika? Hello earth to rik."

"What, oh um sorry Rock I wasn't listening. I Stayed up all night editing this video for today," I said disappointed in myself.

"It's okay, did you get the video for the wedding done yet?"

I totally forgot to do that.

" oh um I'm sorry Rocky, I forgot, but I promise I will get it done," I said.

"Okay you better or Anthony is going to have to ask him."

Ugh, him. If you didn't know who him is, well let's just say that we used to date and we were in love. But now, I always see him with a different girl everyday, so I decided to stop following him on all socials in order to get over the break up. It's been about 2 years since the breakup and when I last saw him. I am definitely over the breakup now, but it's just going to be weird having to see him. Also know as Jake, at Rocky and Anthony's wedding. And I'm definitely not going to let him take my spot in making the video.


"Come on Rik, your going to at least act friendly for the one day."

"I know, it's just going to be awkward," I say knowing that I'm right.

"Well get over it. It's time to go meet up with the girls for wedding dress shopping." *squeals*

"YASS! Let's go" I say running out the door beating Rocky.

Ahh!! guys I'm so excited for this book💕My goal is to update every Wednesday. If for some reason that does not happen I will let y'all know and make up for it on another day. I would also like to let y'all know I started writing this book a little bit ago, so some of the things in their lives might have changed. Well don't forget to vote or comment if you liked it and I'll talk to y'all next week! Bye 👋

Rocky and Anthony's wedding  (a Jerika story) Where stories live. Discover now