Chapter 10

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"Hi, good to see you" Hey, how are you doing?" Erika said to all the people she came across. "Hi how's it— oh um"

Erika's POV: I-I can't believe it, I feel like my heart just went down my throat. I knew I was gonna see him, but I didn't think it would be right now. What- what do I say.

Jake's POV: ohh my GOSH! That's Erika. What what do I say I um don't know. Do I pretend like I didn't see her and walk away? Or do I say hi? What?

"He-Hey Jake, how are you?" Erika said. "Um hi Erika, I'm doing really good actually. How are you?" Jake responded.

"I'm doing pretty good also. I've been really busy lately, actually."

"Oh really I've been really, really busy too."

"Oh cool, so what have you been up to?"

Jake's POV: oh, oh no what do I say.

"Oh I've been busy doing all that team 10 stuff  you know. And I-I got the uncut also umm umm and  you know, you know I got other stuff . Jake said.

"Oh I actually don't know." Erika responded.

"Oh well it's a lot so I don't think I can explain it all."

*awkward  moment*

"So what have you been up to?" Jake said.

"Oh you know I've been very busy with music and my clothing line. So... um where is your date?" Erika responded.

"Oh I um decided to go solo. Me and Tana ended up breaking up so."

"Oh well I'm sorry to hear that."

"So... where is your date?"

"Oh he is in the bathroom right now actually."

"Oh are you and him dating."

"Yeah we actually decided to keep it private."

"Well cool, um great to see you" Jake said

"Yeah see you around, Bye."

That was so awkward. But hey at least I said something to her. Well she said something to me but I responded. But, does she actually have a boyfriend now? I thought she might but actually thinking about it and seeing it kinda of hurt.

Erika's POV: him and Tana broke up? Wow. But anyways that was awkward. Really awkward. 😮 now I need to find what's his name? Oh yeah um Adam.

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