Chapter 8

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The ceremony...

Rocky's POV: ahh here we go. I can't believe this is actually happening. I love Anthony with my whole heart. He is my everything. I can't wait to be official married.

Here's my dress...

Anthony's POV: welp here we go this is it

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Anthony's POV: welp here we go this is it. I imagine when I see Rocky walking down the isle I'm gonna burst into tears. Ah I love her so much. We have been through so much too. She is truly my soulmate and the love of my life.

All the groomsmen and the bridesmaid walk down...

Jake's POV: oh my gosh!!! Erika really looks stunning walking down the isle and it isn't even her wedding. Ahh I really thought she was the one for me at one time. Ugh why couldn't we have worked out? Why did I have to be such a player? Knowing her she probably designed all the bridesmaids dresses. I need to think of something cool to stay about me if she asks uh um maybe I could say um... Jake's thoughts were interrupted by Rocky's dad walking her down the isle and handing her to Anthony. Wow this is it. My best friend is getting married. I'm kinda sad because he won't be able to be around as much anymore, but maybe when they have a kid they'll let me babysit some for them.

Anthony's POV: WOW! my baby girl is stunning. Aww I'm getting so emotional ugh hold it together Anthony. Hold it together. Wow I can't ugh I love you Rocky.

Erika's POV: Aww my besties are getting married! 🥰they are sooo cute together! I love them. I knew from the very beginning they were perfect together! Ugh Rocky is a Queen!

I'll be honest though I'm getting a little nervous for my performance because I want it to be perfect for them. I just love them both so much!

The vows...

Rocky's vows

               Today I give myself to you.
I promise to encourage and inspire you. To laugh with you and comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and bad. When life seems easy and when life seems hard. When our Love is simple and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard.  But, most importantly I promise to always love you with my whole heart. These are the things I give to you today, and all the days of our life. I love you Anthony Trujillo.

Anthony's vows

Wow um I don't think I can beat that but here we go... I thought it would be difficult to find someone who would love me when I'm always scattered in a thousand pieces.

It's like trying to complete a puzzle when you don't even know if you have all the right pieces, but then you showed me that every piece doesn't have to be in place to create something beautiful that love can exist in the most imperfect love and broken people. And I promise you that my love will be as beautiful, if you're in a thousand pieces or just one because Rocky Garcia I am madly in love with you.

Erika's POV: Aww both of their vows were beautiful. 🥰😢🥺

Jake's POV: Wow. Both of their vows hit me hard.

And you may now kiss the bride...

Before the preacher could finish the sentence Anthony wraps his arm around Rocky's waist and dips her into the most passionate kiss they have ever had...

The After party...

Happy Wednesday! Thank you so much for 1k reads!💕 I know I'm late, but did y'all see that Jerika reunited at Justin's party then went out to eat lunch at Panera the next day. Then we're both inactive the whole next day, ugh! I'm just happy to see them. I didn't realize how much I missed them until now. 🥺 what do y'all think about them reuniting? Feel free to comment below.💛

Rocky and Anthony's wedding  (a Jerika story) Where stories live. Discover now