Chapter 3

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"GET HIM DESTROY HIM!!! YESS!," Anthony yells at the video game.

"Yo, Anthony"


"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the wedding. Have you even picked out your suit yet?" Jake said.

"Ahh, Rocky will help me." "well who is doing y'alls wedding video?" Jake responded.

Anthony pretended not to hear and continue his game.

"Earth to Tony"
Tony responded, "Oh, ah get him, oh and don't worry about it bro Rik is doing it."

Jake stop for a second and said, "Rik as in Erika?"
"Yes, why?" Anthony responded. "Well why are you inviting her?"
"Because she is Rocky's best friends and I'm still friends with her whether you broke up with her two years ago or not."

"Yeah... that's right" well, if she doesn't want to do the video me and Tana can do it."Jake said.

That's right I still have Tana. We ended up dating a year after we made that video together. At first it was all for the clout, but the more we hung out the more I realized how dope of a girl she is. We have currently been together for 8 months now. She has really helped me be creative and happy again. I just don't know if she is really the one I want to marry one day, she feels like more of a high school/ college type girlfriend to me. Idk

Anthony said, "ok whatever you say"

But Erika well I haven't seen her in two years and yet I still get butterflies just thinking about her name. I wonder if she is dating anybody. I know she said she was keeping her relationships private from now on.

Back with Erika and Rocky:

"Erika would you please preform at my wedding, pretty please. You can sing beautifully."

"I do love preforming, but I don't know"

"Please for my wedding"

"Fine, I guess I will"

Great so now I have to find a date, write a song, and do a video all in 2 months. Yay me!

"Oh and also can you teach Tony and I how to dance, oh and we should do our dance together."

"Sure I would love too"

Ok never mind, I have to teach them how to dance, write a song, do a video, and find a date. Where am I even going to find a date. Ughh!!!

I have been so busy these past two years that I haven't even had time to stop and look at what all I've done. I mean, I'm still working with VS, I started my on clothing line, and I've really started to become popular with music. This all has been a world wind for me. All I have done is focused on my career, but now I think I'm gonna start focusing more on my relationships. I am 28 now. So...

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy 💕 Don't forget to vote. I will be posting another chapter on Friday!

Rocky and Anthony's wedding  (a Jerika story) Where stories live. Discover now