Chapter 18

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Jake's POV: if only she could have heard the "i love you" that I said in my head then things might be different at this moment. But instead we are back to back against each other staring at the wall.

Jake- so...

Erika- so... what

Jake- I cant fall asleep

Erika- well what do u want me to do about it?

Jake- maybe we could talk?

Erika- ok what about?

Jake- I don't know... life?

Erika- ok how is team 10?

Jake- well it's still in reconstruction mood like always. There is always someone leaving or getting mad.

Erika- that stinks. But that's just how people are these days I guess.

Jake- yeah... how about u? How's the music going?

Erika- well I would say I'm doing well I got to work with some amazing people that I never thought I would meet in my life much less work with. I'm getting to go on tour soon.

Jake- that's awesome, I always so much potential in u.

Erika- aww thanks

Erika- so if you don't mind me asking. What happened between our and Tana?

Jake- oh um...
What did she have to ask this ahh
Jake- well we ended up dating a little after the marriage thing but if just siding work out.

Erika- yeah, why did u do the whole "marriage" thing?

Jake- clout

Erika- But didn't- never mind

Jake- no tell me

Erika- it's nothing

Jake- no tell me how u felt about it.

Erika- well to be honest it kind of hurt me. Like I knew it was fake but it felt like you were just re-doing our relationship and replacing me with someone else. Because you know our relationship first started as a fake funny marriage. I felt as if our relationship meant nothing to you and you just re-doing it with a different girl every time for videos. Because you can't just redo the beginning of a relationship with someone and hope to find love using it with someone else, if that makes sense.

Jake- wow...

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know I'm going to try to finish up this book soon. I need to put more of my attention into more important things. I will try my best to write when I can so I don't have discontinue the book.

After this book is over should I start a new one or be done and forget about Jerika? Please feel free to comment your opinion. Thanks 💛

Also you can follow me on Twitter: @jerikasdaily

And I will try to post a little chapter like this on the weekend to make up for such a short one this time.

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