Chapter 4

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"There is an open group dance lesson today. You should go. They asked me to come and surprise the kids since they are dancing to my song today," Erika said

"Oh how fun, can Anthony come with me?" Rocky said.

"Sure, I don't care it's up to you. Oh and it starts at 2. I won't be there until a little later though because I have a meeting."

"Ok thanks, I'll bring Anthony"

"Okay bye, gotta go"

On the phone call with Anthony:
Rocky- Hey babe are you doing anything today at 2?
Anthony- I don't think so, why?
Rocky- well there is this dance lesson at 2 and if you expect me to dance for our wedding  I gotta start learning.
Anthony- ok 😂 as long as I get to spend time with you I'm a happy man.
Rocky- okay bye babe, love you
Anthony- Bye babe love you too

(With Anthony and Jake)

"Yo bro, do u want to come to a dance lesson with me and Rocky?" Anthony said.

"I mean sure, just you and Rocky, right?"

"Yeah that's what she said, why?"

"I just know she is best friends with Erika and it would be awkward if I saw her."

"Well I don't think she'll be there, but your going to be seeing her in 2 months so might as well get it over with."

"Nahh, maybe I'll get lucky and not see her."

"Good luck with that. Oh and meet me there at 1:50 ish. It starts at 2."

"okay, Sounds good bro"

Maybe Anthony is right. I mean, it's not like I can hide from her forever. She is Rocky's best friend and I'm going to have to see her. I wonder what she is up to. I mean, I hear her music on the radio all the time. She has to be doing good, I mean I hear it every where. And I heard she has a clothing line out... what I'm not a stalker it's just hard for you not to see it when you're constantly being tagged in everything the other person does, still.

Jake and Anthony meet Rocky and the studio at 1:55. But, the boys arrive a couple minutes earlier.

"Hey bro I gotta use the bathroom" Jake says.

"Ok I'll meet you in there. I'm gonna wait for Rocky"

"Ok cool"
(Then rocky arrives)

"Hey babe" Rocky says and gives Anthony a passionate kiss. 

"Hey baby, How are you?"Anthony said

"I'm ready to dance" rocky responds

" ok Jake should be out here in any moment, oh look there he is" Tony says

"Ja- Jake" Rocky stutters

"Yeah, why?"

"Well Erika is supposed to be here in 5 mins."

"WHAT,"Tony says


"Hey guys hey Rocky"Jake says

"Oh ah hey Jake didn't expect to see you here"

" oh ah why"

"Well Erika is supposed to be here in like 3 mins"

"Wha- what, Tony I thought you said she wasn't coming"

"I didn't think she was" Anthony responded.

"Well I'm going home"

"Sorry bro you can stay if you want"

"Nah bro it would be to awkward"

" well if you don't want to be seen by Rik then you better put on this mask and she won't be able to recognize you. Oh and don't ask why I have a mask it's a long story." Rocky says

"Um oh-Okay thanks"

Jake's POV

Why does Rik have to be coming here in any moment. Wait- why do I care so much.

Jake's thoughts were interrupted when he ran into a beautiful girl on accident.

"Oh um I'm soo sorry. I guess I was running late and didn't watch where I was going"  says the beautiful girl

"Oh it's ok I wasn't watching where I was going either" Jake says.

"Um well nice bumping into you, bye"

"Bye- oh my, I'm sorry bye see ya"

"Um ok 😂Bye"

I can not believe it. That was Erika. It had to be. I haven't seen her in two years. Wow. Is it possible that she got prettier? I mean she was beautiful but now she is double beautiful. I don't even know if that makes since, but it's true.

Back with the class...

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