Chapter 14

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Rocky's POV: I was just minding my business having a blast, taking shots, and dancing with my man when I hear the whole crowd go quiet. At first I didn't know where it was coming from until of course I heard Erika and Jake yelling at each other. I knew it would be interesting night considering that they haven't seen each other in 2 years. But I don't know what would have gotten them all Torn  up. I heard something about Sam and wanting to talk but Jake didn't want that to happen or something.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go check on Erika. I'll be back in 10 minutes." Rocky said

"Okay babe I'll be here, love you." Anthony responded.

"Love you, too" Rocky said.

Rocky went to the bathroom and that's where she found Erika...

"Heyyy Rik!" Rocky said.

" Jake go away, I don't want to talk to you right now." Erika said sniffling as she spoke.

" it's not Jake it's me Rocky, now open the door so I can talk to you." Rocky responded

"Okay" Erika meekly said.

Erika opens the door...

" so tell me what happened?"

" what happened was Jake embarrassed me in front of everybody"

"How?" Rocky said

"He was like i heard you in the bathroom earlier and i don't want you flirting with my friend." Erika responded

"Well were you flirting with his friend?"

"No I just needed to talk to him because my sister liked him." Erika said.

"Ohh well it's ok Rik he just didn't hear it correctly. Just let it go or go talk to him." Rocky said.

"Well I'll just let it go because I don't feel like talking to him."

"Okay it's up to you I'm gonna go back to tony now."

"Oh wait Rocky before you go I just want to say thank you, I didn't mean to make a scene during your wedding. I probably ruined it."

"What no you didn't ruin my wedding. You in fact made my wedding I mean you sang the most beautiful song that I will never forget." Rocky replied

"Oh well thanks rock now go be with your man and enjoy yourself." Erika said.

"Thanks Rik!" Rocky replied

Anthony's POV: since rocky went to go check on Rik I decided to go see if Jake was ok. So I went out to the balcony where he always is if something is wrong."

"Hey Jake." Anthony said.

"Oh um hey Anthony what's up?"

"Oh Jake why are you out here? Tell me what happened." Anthony said.

"Did you not here the whole crowd go quiet?" Jake said

"Oh I did I just want to know what happened."

"Well I heard Erika talking to someone in the bathroom and she said something about Sam being hot and I guess I got jealous or something. And I wouldn't let her go talk to him and then I yelled it and now she ran away embarrassed. And I feel so bad." Jake responded

"Well first of all how did you hear Erika in the bathroom? Were you following her?" Anthony said

"No I was walking by and I heard her and I guess I wanted to see what she talking about." jake said

"Okay well why did you get so jealous about her and Sam?"

"I don't know I just didn't want to see her with him, I guess."

"Do you maybe think some feeling deep in your heart are coming back, possibly?" Anthony said.

"If you're implying that I have a crush on Erika you're wrong." Jake responded

"Are you sure I mean you had to leave the dance studio because you were to nervous to see her, you're listening to all her conversations, and you won't let her talk to a guy this whole night." Anthony said.

"Well she has a boyfriend so even if I did have a crush it won't happen." Jake said

"And when has a boyfriend stopped Jake Paul from getting his girl." Tony said


"Just think about, go get your girl back, before it's actually to late." Tony said.

Jake's POV: was Anthony actually right? Have I started to catch feelings again? I know I said she had a boyfriend even though I over heard her say he was fake, but I didn't want to embarrassed her anymore. But was he right? I mean I did think she was going to be the one 2 years ago but that all changed when we broke up. I mean she would never take me back, not after all we put each other through years ago... or would she?

Ahh is the Jerika spark coming back? Come back next week to find out! 💚

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