Chapter 12

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Erika's POV: I just got off the phone with Mo,my sister. She kinda of made me feel better about the situation. She also helped me realize that's it over and I need to just enjoy the wedding and be supportive towards Anthony and Rocky. What happened with Jake is over. I was also told to talk to Sam for Mo. 😂this is gonna be so awkward, but I guess I owe her one.

Oh look there he is. I'm gonna go talk to him.

Jake's POV: I got to find Erika before she finds Sam. I'm not looking to get back with Erika, but I'm also not looking for her to date one of my old friends. Oh where is she?

There she is oh and she is walking to him Um what do i do.

"Uhh Hey Erika, do you wanna dance? Please"

"Oh um Jake i'm kinda of busy right now. And plus I have a boyfriend and I don't think he will like that."

Jake's thoughts- oh uh what do I do? Call her out that she is lying? Make up another excuse?

"Please, I came solo?" Jake responded.

"I really shouldn't" Erika said.

"Um then where are you going right now? Shouldn't you be with your bf then?"

Erika's thoughts - oh crap he's right. What do I say.

"I know I'm just gonna go talk to some people I haven't seen in a while."

Adam appears...

"Yeah babe, come dance with me. We haven't danced all night." Adam responded.

"Um o-kay, you're right" Erika responds.

Jake's thoughts- yes!! Whatever his name is saved me. At least for a couple minutes. Now I gotta go distract Sam or I don't know. Ugh!! This is gonna be a long night.

Back with Adam and Erika

"So babe, you ready to dance?"

"Ugh? Adam I had to go talk to somebody."

"Who Jake? You told me to save you from him if he came near and that's what I did." Adam responds.

ugh, he's right. He did what I told him.

"I know, and no I was trying to talk to one of his friends." Erika's says.

"I don't mean to judge, but isn't it kinda of rude to try and hit it off with your ex's friend."

"No I wasn't trying to hit it off with him. My sister wanted me to talk to him for her." Erika said.

"Ohhh that makes a lot more sense. But you got be careful. People are gonna think you are cheating on me." Adam responds.

"But we are not together."

"Yeah but these people don't know that." Adam says.

"You're right I'll be more careful."


Erika's thoughts- I look down and realize me and Adam have been slow dancing this whole time. How did I not notice? Or much less not mind it?

"Now here let me go, and if Jake tries to get in my way try to distract him." Erika said.

"Ok Rik, I got you." Adam says 😊


Erika's POV: when Adam said that it kinda of made me feel weird and put a cold chill down my back. He doesn't like me, does he? ... Oh well, I don't have time for this. I gotta find Sam and fast.

Here is the extra chapter I promised! Thanks for reading. See y'all next Wednesday! 💚

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