Chapter 11

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Adam walks out of the bathroom...

Erika- finally, where were you?

Adam- bathroom

Erika- what took you so long?

Adam- well my "girlfriend" was talking to her ex boyfriend so I decided to stay in the bathroom to avoid conversation with josh.

Erika- you mean Jake right

Adam- yeah Jake what ever

Erika- well next time don't avoid him and if you see him staring at us or something, then do something cute.

Adam- ok *Adam grabs Erika  and kisses her*

Erika- *pulls away* what was that for?

Adam- you said doing something cute if he's looking and he was looking so I just kissed you.

Erika- when I said do something cute I didn't mean kiss me!!

Adam- oh... well it's okay now he walked away anyways

Erika- ughh!!

Jake's POV: I gotta be honest when I saw Erika's boyfriend kiss her I got jealous. Why would I be jealous though, we literally broke up 2 years ago. I don't know. I think I'm just gonna get some air.

Erika's POV: I was soo mad at Adam for kissing me, which I don't know why because that's what couples do, but whatever. I ended up wandering outside on the balcony to get some air and away from him for a minute.

  "I don't know what I'm gonna do about- oh um hey Jake. I didn't expect to see you out here. I thought you'd be with Anthony or partying." Erika said.

" yeah I do love to party. I just needed some fresh air." Jake replied "plus why aren't you with your boyfriend?"

"Oh me and him kinda got into an argument, so I just came out for some fresh air also."

" Aww well I'm sure whatever it is, it will get resolved."

"I don't know anymore"

"What do you mean?" Jake asked.

"I just don't know if he's the one anymore."

"Oh really well how long have y'all been dating?"

Oh crap think Erika think.

" um a couple months"

Good save Rik

"Oh well you shouldn't have to know yet." Jake responded.

" yeah"

I felt like every time I would look into Erika's  eyes I would just get more and more lost in them. I mean she is beautiful. Like a goddess. I felt the sudden erge to lean in. And surprisingly Erika would just stare and me with lust in her eyes not moving a muscle. The closer and closer I got I could hear Erika's heart beating in a fast rhythm. We were now only centimeters apart.  to the point where our lips brushed against each other until Erika pulled away and said.

" I think I better get back to the party."

"Yeah, see you around." Jake responded.


Jake's POV: I can't believe I tried to kiss Erika. I mean she has boyfriend. And why would I want to kiss my ex? We broke up for a reason people. Ugh, I just had this erge to do it that I can't explain. It felt so wrong but so necessary and satisfying at the same time.

Erika's POV: OH MY GOSH! I can't believe me and Jake almost kissed. That can not happen again though. I wanted to move away but I couldn't it was like I was stuck in a dream until I realized what he was doing. So I quickly pulled back and left him there. That was so awkward. Why would he try to kiss me though? Is He is still a f boy? He's probably hooked up with every girl since him and Tana broke up...
I don't know why I'm stressing though, I need to just go back to the party and enjoy myself and the wedding. That's right this the Rocky and Anthony's wedding, it's not time for drama. I just wish I wouldn't have said Adam was my boyfriend because now it's eating me up inside. I gotta talk to someone first. Mo, my sister I just gotta tell her. Where do I go though? The bathroom!

Jake's POV: as I was walking back to the party I heard someone familiar talking in the girls' bathroom. I know I should probably just go on but I can't help but listen...

(Jake cannot here anything in bold because it's on the other side of the phone.)


"Hey Rik what's up why are you calling me right now shouldn't you be at the wedding?"

" yes, I'm still at the wedding I'm just in the bathroom because I need to get something off my chest and your the only one I know to call at the This moment."

"Okay so what's wrong?"

"Well you know how I said I've been dating Adam and I brought him with me?"


"Well I've been lying, I'm not actually dating him and just brought him because I didn't want to go solo because you know what."

"Wow Rik that's big. What are you gonna do?"

"Well I'm gonna pretend he is still my date and then a couple days later say we broke up or something."

"Ok i hope it works out. Have you talked to Jake yet?"

"Oh yes I have and let's just say that was interesting."

"What happened?"

"It's complicated and a long story. I'll tell you later."

"Okay, but before you go how is Sam doing?"

"Oh Sam, he's pretty hot I'm not gonna lie."

"You need to talk to him for me."

"Okay, okay I'll talk to him."

"Alright don't forget to talk to him, have fun at the wedding and see you later."

"Bye, Love you"

"Love you too"

When I heard that Erika was just fake dating Adam I got kinda of tickled inside and I don't know why. My mood kinda of changed to the happier side. Then who ever she was talking to asked her something that happened because she like it's complicated and interesting so I don't know what she is talking about there until I hear the name Sam pop up. She said Sam was pretty hot and that she was going to go talk to him. Was she taking about my Ohio friend Sam? I mean he's probably the only Sam here isn't he? Oh know. I can't not let my Ohio friend date Erika. Even though I'm over her and we have been apart so a long time I still do not feel comfortable with them being a thing. I gotta distract her. But how?

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote!💛

I plan to post another chapter this Friday!!!!

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