Chaptet 16

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"Sorry I didn't mean-" Jake says

"No, we can both agree this was just in the heat of the moment. I mean haven't seen each other in forever." Erika says

"Yeah, So um how have you been?" Jake said

"Um very busy. Time has flown for me."

"Yeah same."

"So-" Jake said

"So do you want to maybe go out and look at the little bay. I think I saw a mini cottage over there I would like to get a better look if you want to come. You don't have to of course but-"
Erika said

"Sure let's go." Jake said.

Jake and Erika walked out and sat by the bay...

"This is so beautiful, isn't it." Erika said

"Not as beautiful as you of course." Jake said

Instead of replying Erika just stared at Jake in the eyes observing every little move.

Then thunder stroke... and lightening started striking... and the wind started to pick up... faster and faster

Then a weather alert appeared on each of their phones...

"Oh no we better get back." Jake says

"Yeah and quick" Erika said

Jake ran up the hill

"Come on Erika hurry up." Jake said

"I can't the wind- it's- it's getting to strong."

So Jake runs and picks her up and carries her to the front of the house...

"Oh no they locked the door. What do we do?"
Jake said

"I don't know try knocking." Erika said

Knock, knock

No one answers

"What are we gonna do Jake?"

"Um um look there's a boat. We can paddle to the other side of the bay and see if that cottage is open."

"What? Are you crazy. We can't do that." Erika said

"Well it's either go there or possibly die. So come on."

"What okay." Erika said

So me and Jake are currently rowing across the bay on our way to the cottage... yes me and Jake I know.

""You know I think we are almost there." Jake said

"I just can't believe we are gonna be stuck in a cottage together for who knows how long." Erika said

"Ok thanks Rik love you too." Jake said

"Haha you think you're so funny."

"Well what's wrong with being stuck in a cottage with me?"Jake said

"Well I didn't expect to spend my night with my ex boyfriend." Erika said

"Well I'm spending it with my ex girlfriend too, so."

They arrive...

"Come on Rik we better get in here quick." Jake said

"Ok I'm coming."

"Ahh finally we are safe, I'll be honest I was getting worried."

"Yeah me too." Rik said

Ding ding...

"Oh that's my phone." Erika said

"Who is it?"

"Oh it's just Adam. He is asking where I am."

"Oh okay"

Ugh Adam! I don't like that dude. I don't know why Erika does either. What... I'm not jealous

Conversation between Adam and Rik...

Adam- where are you? It's storming as outside.

Adam- are you ok?

Rik- yes I'm ok. Jake wanted to talk to me so we went outside and then it started storming so we got stuck outside. But we are safe now!

Adam- where are you? ❤️

Rik- I don't exactly know to be honest. lol but I'm okay.❤️🥰

Adam- ok well stay looking hot 🥵

Adam- actually don't, save that for me 💕😘

Rik- ☺️😘 ttyl

Adam- ttyl

*rik giggles*

"What's so funny Rik?" Jake said

"Oh it's just Adam made me laugh." Erika replied

"Oh okay"

Erika's POV: to be honest I feel guilty. Like really guilty. Because I have kissed Adam and Jake both tonight but Adam doesn't know that.
And I don't want to tell him. I'm kinda tied to be honest because they are both cute and I felt a connection with both of them. At least that's what I thought.

Ahh! Hello everyone. I'm back, for this week! I'm sorry but I will not be posting at all next week because it is my fall break and I'm going on vacation. I will try to write a little bit, if I feel like it. But chapter 17 will not be posted until the 16th of October I believe.

If you enjoyed please like and feel free to comment! 💕

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