Chapter 9

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The after party...

Anthony and Rocky came into the after party pumped. Everyone was dancing and having a great time. But now it was time for Erika to sing her song she wrote for both of them.

*music is playing and everyone is loud*

"Um excuse me- hello everyone." *everyone went quiet* "hi everyone my name is Erika Costell. I am friends with both the bride and the groom. I have know Anthony for what it feels like a long time now. Probably about 4 or 5 years I guess. And I have known Rocky not as long as Anthony, but feels like forever too because she is such a close friend to me. I love them both to death. So let me just say when I first met Anthony I did not think I would ever see him getting married before me. *everyone laughs* um yeah and the Anthony I met years ago was a little bit annoying and immature acting sometimes. But he has changed some since then. I will say he has definitely matured. But he is still annoying sometimes, I'm afraid. But one thing I know about Anthony that has not changed is the love he gives to the people he cares about. Every since I met him I could tell he really cared about all his family and friends and would never betray them. And I know he loves Rocky with his whole heart. And Rocky when I first met her I thought to myself wow this is one bad you know what girl. She has always been confident and has always stood up for what she believes is right. She is just an amazing,beautiful, kind and my best friend. She cares for everyone she loves just like Anthony. That's why it was so hard for me to give her up to Tony because she is my best friend. Anthony you better treat her well. So I want to congratulate the two of you! I wish all happiness,excitement, and love to y'all. And I want this day to be special to both of you so, I decided to write a song.  I'll be honest I was having trouble coming up with ideas. I was on writers block until I thought a little more about Rocky and I's friendship and what it means to me. Then it hit me I have to write this song for Rocky and that's what I did so I hope you guys enjoy, especially you Rocky. So here it goes..."

(Obviously pretend Erika wrote and is singing this song.)

Rocky's POV: wow that songs was beautiful!!! She means so much to me. I love her to death.

Everyone stood up and cheered. Rocky and Erika were both in tears looking at each other so after the song was over Erika went to Rocky and give her a big hug.

"I love you Rocky, I can't wait for you to be able to experience this new chapter in your life. Just please don't forget me."

"I love you too Rik, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm still gonna live in the same neighborhood and we are still going to hang out all the time. So thank you for doing all of this. It was beautiful.

"Well congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Trujillo" Erika said to the crowd of cheering people.

Jake's POV: wow Erika looked beautiful out there singing and she can really sing now. Her message to both of them was beautiful. I hope that don't expect me to do all that being Anthony's best friend and all. Soo now what am I gonna say to Erika. I gotta think of something cool to make me look more successful. But what though?

Good evening everyone! I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday. This is just a surprise chapter I decided to publish. Chapter 10 will becoming out tomorrow. If you enjoyed don't forget to vote, and feel free to comment!!! 💚

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