Chapter fifthteen

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Hello my lovelies. I'm back and since I've been away for so long I am going to give y'all another chapter so here is the beautiful gift I bestow upon you.💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

Love y'all. And hope you have an amazing day.

So here is the long awaited chapter 15.

Soon after getting to the wedding the party starts to walk out one by one starting with Tubbo .

He's the ring bear then my nephew goes next.

Fundy goes in front as my flower girl throwing beautiful pink flowers all around and doing gorgeous swirls.

Then Niki goes with her Very pretty (f/c dress) with Bouquet in front.

Then moment I have been dreading happens. I have to walk down the isle. At least Dadza gets to walk me which is a win.

"I love you sweetie" he says before we walk out. "I love you too dad." I say back. Then I put my vail over and get ready to walk down the isle.

And as soon as we turn to walk down the isle I see those eyes I know to well. They eyes with a million secrets behind. Those eyes that determine the lives of my brothers. The lives of my family. But I stay strong because I'm going to survive this marriage if I show weakness. I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts I don't even realize how quickly we get to the front. And Dadza gives me a hug and I go to stand next to Schlatt.

"You look gorgeous" Schlatt says you could say the scheming in his eyes. "I know" I says coldly look back at the priest who happens to be Karl.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate and cherish one of life's greatest moments. In which shall unite of  Emperor Jschlatt and Anna Minecraft in marriage."

"Marriage The promise between two people Who love each other." 'Hahahahah bullshit' I think to myself'.

"Now for the vowels."

Me and Schlatt turn to each other.

"Now Emperor Jschlatt do you promise to take Anna as your wife in sickness and in health till death do you part."

"I do." He say with a smile.

'Is it too late to run away to another kingdom or something.' I think to myself

"And Anna do you promise to obey and follow your Emperor Jschlatt till death do you part." Karl looks a little uncomfortable while saying it.

Schlatt leans in a bit "I changed the words a bit just for you honey." He smirks at himself for doing this bullshit.

"I do." I say as fast as possible wanting to be over with this nonsense.

"Well honk. And by the power invested in me by the local classes at the Y. I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride.

"WOW!" Schlatt screams then lifts up my vail and smashes his lips on mine. And I'm not gonna lie the kiss was good 10/10 would recommend if he weren't a dictator.

Then he pulls away and we run down the isle to the car waiting for us. "Well I think that went perfect." He says looking at me. "What the fuck were those vows?" I ask still mad at the words. "Oh that, it's just a family tradition me and my family has."

"Is it also a tradition to force the bride into arranged marriage?"

"Watch it. I'll let that one go but from now on your mine and I get to do whatever I want with you." He says darkly looking me dead in my eyes and I knew to shut up.

After a seconds he asked me a question
"Where was Tommy and Wilbur?" He asks

"I don't know it's not like I've had the chance to talk to them." I lie

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