Chapter thirteen

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Hello my lovelies , I have not been posting this week due to writers block and I sprained my wrist like a dumbass. So now I will be posting more often. And i just saw shadow and bone. I totally recommend watching it.

So anyway on with the story love y'all 💖💖💖


After my confrontation with Quackity I rode in the car on my way to Niki"s house.

On the way there I had to ride with Quackity in the car and it was a extremely awkward silence. So I just stared out of the window. As Nikis house came into view I stated to unbuckle my seatbelt. "What are you doing?" Questions Quackity. " I am getting ready to get out of the car". I state. "No your not, we have to secure the perimeter before you go in." "Yeah, like that's gonna happen" I laugh at him then proceed to get out of the car.

He follows after me "Anna, Schlatt is not gonna like you doing this." "Oh, yeah well what's he gonna do about it. I don't see home anywhere do you?" I question while walking to the house and away from him.

I knock on the door three times before Niki opens the door.

"Anna" she engulfs me in a hug. " I'm so glad your here". she states happily

"I am too" I say as she releases me from the hug.

I see Niki is staring daggers at Quackity.

" Quackity could go for now. Just pick me up around 9:00."

"Ma'am Schlatt said you have to be home by 8:00."

"I don't give a rats ass what he said. He's marrying me tomorrow so tonight is gonna be spend with my best friend."

"But Schlatt"- Quackity starts but gets cut off.

"I'll take the fall don't worry Quackity. It'll be okay." I say trying to calm him down."

"Okay" he says defeated "but he's not gonna like this" he says as he goes back into the car then drives off."

Niki looks around to make sure the coast is clear "I have a surprise for you Anna." She whispered excitedly. "Let's get in the house first though". She says.

We get in the house and Niki leads me to her kitchen "what's the surprise?" I question.

"SURPRISE" Tommy Wilbur and Tubbo pop out behind the couch.

"AHHHHHH" I scream. Almost having a heart attack.

I run and give them a hug "You guys scared the living Hell out of me"I say hitting Wilbur chest

"We wanted to throw you a little party because tomorrow is going to be absolute Hell" says Tommy.

"You are so sweet. I love you guys" I says with tears in my eyes. And we have a big group hug.

"Okay enough if this sadness let's get trashed. Screams Tubbo causing everyone in the room to laugh.

An 4 hours and 5 shots later.

"So who's going to be you're maid if honor because I think personally I could do it great justice if I'm given the chance." States Tommy slightly tipsy. While we all hang out in the living room.

" well if you must know my rights and he is going to be my best friend in the entire world. The baddest bitch in the room NIKI!" I say

" awwwww Anna I am incredibly honored" she says sarcastically. And we all laugh.

"So Tubbo where is the wedding taking place?" I ask.

"You don't know where you having your own  wedding?" Wilbur asks surprises by the faceted I didn't know.

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