Chapter 16: Crystal Angels

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"Princess?" Sashabella trailed behind Diana and I.

"Yeah?" Diana looked back, I gripped her tighter, pulling her against me.

"How much farther is this Kingdom?" Sashabella glared at me as Diana's focus returned to me. "Well,  we're here. Welcome to my kingdom, princess." Hadyn pushed the bushes away, Her kingdom looked a little like Verisallie, just smaller and not as flamboyant.

"Come on!" Hadyn jumped of the cliff, slidding down the ledge. Everyone followed after her, expect Diana, Sarah and I. We flew down, getting there before them. "Please try to stay by our side Princess." Maria used her long, dark brown tail to snag Diana's hand "I'll be fine! Aqua is always by my side!" She patted Maria's tail.

"Maria, let her go. That's an order." I growled. She nodded and released her. "Diana, I dislike these things you've created. They're so protective, it irrates me." I whispered "You butt, you do the exact same thing yet you get mad when someone else does it! That makes no sense!" she crossed her arms and pouted. She stopped walking. "Oh come on! Don't act like this! I know I do it and I can't help it! I can't afford to lose you..." I brushed my hand against her cheek "If you know, then why can't they do it? I created them that way. They can't help it. Aqua, they're techincally our children." she sighed, hugging me. "Oh." I stood there, looking at them "I thought we weren't ready for kids, babe." I sighed, returning her hug. "Well... A little late to think about it now!" she smiled, laughing.

"Don't worry, you're considered our master. We will listen to your orders whenever, unless it goes against the princess." Samatha smiled, her  long, baggy brown sleeves, hung. "Fine..." I huffed, my leather jacket crushed her fluffy, dress. "Aqua, don't worry. We'll be fine."

An ear pirecing roar echoed through the kingdom, Diana's creation jumped in front of us, I unsheathed my sword, pullling Diana against me. "What was that?" Diana whispered, gripping her crystal brooch. "A dragon... And i think I know who it is" I growled. Samatha pulled out her large cresent boomarge "It's coming..." she whimpered. The ground shook, colums falling over onto building. Everything around us started to fall and break apart in front of us. "Aqua, go. Hide the princess. We'll hold whatever the hell this thing is off!" Sephora yelled, turning her hands into green slime. "What the?" I picked Diana up and ran. "Wait, my-!" "We don't have a choice! We need to get away!" I cut Diana off, flying into the forest. "But my crystal angels! I don't know if they can-!"

Screams filled the air "No!" Diana struggled, watching pieces of the ground go flying. "Please! I can't just leave them!" she cried out, pushing at me. "Listen to me! The dragon is my father! He'll try to kidnap you! I can't let that happen!" I grabbed her wrist, trying to keep her still.

She stopped. "Diana?"

"Take me to the cave."


"Take me to the cave where I created them!! I know a way I can help them and be safe!!"

"How-?" "Just go! We don't have time!!!"


I sat her down, the crystal lining the cave wall glowed lightly at her presence. "How are you going to do this?" i rung out my shirt, going under the waterfall wasn't a great idea.

"Ssh! I know what I'm doing!" she hissed. "Okay, okay." I sat down, throwing my shirt onto a crystal.

She closed her eyes, her crystal glowed softly. The crystal around us responded. As her crystal grew brighter, so did the crystals. I watched as the cave shone brighter and brighter, until everything  was practically white. Diana's hair flowed, she started to look like when she was human, expect her hair. It was still pink but not like before it was a soft pink, it shone against the white light in the cave.

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