Chapter 8: One More Bite, Love

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I sat in the balcony, smoking. Diana is going to kill me when she finds out. She was trying on dresses with my mom so that gave me around enough time to finish a cigarette. I leaned my head back and sighed. I could sense her coming up the stair way. Damn. I threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. I walked over to the bathroom.  I walked inside and stripped. I have to hurry or she’ll be able to smell it. I turned the shower on and tested it with my hand. Still cold but I have to hurry. I stepped in and let the water hit me. I grabbed body wash and scrubbed myself down.

“Aqua?” Diana’s voice came from behind the door. “Yeah?” I called out, scrubbing as fast I could. “Can I come in?” I heard her voice soften. I smirked “Yeah.”

The door opened slowly; she peeked in. I heard her sigh. Probably cause the curtain is closed. She’s still not use to seeing me yet. I opened the curtain to show my head only “What’s wrong? Weren’t you trying on wedding dresses?” I looked at her sitting on the counter, wearing a pale yellow short puffy dress.

She swung her legs “Didn’t find any.” She mumbled. She was getting frustrated. It was obvious. At least to me. “You’ll find one.” I smiled at her; her face light up with happiness. “Wanna join me?” I grinned at her. She shook her head “You reek of smoke.” She grumbled. I thought I washed it off. “What?” I started to panic. I promised her I would stop. “I smelt on the way up and when I heard the shower turn on it was kinda obvious.” She looked away.

 I messed up big this time. I sighed “I’m sorry.” She shook her head “Don’t apologize. Just stop smoking.” She mumbled. I smelt her tears “Diana, come here.” I held out my hand; she shook her head. “Come here.” I repeated once more. She shook her head again.

Alright time’s up. I stepped out of the shower; her face shot up with shock as I pulled her off the counter “A-Aqua!” she snatched her hand away; her face was turning red. She ran her eyes up my body. Her became tense “I don’t like being denied.” I smirked, grabbing her wrist. She struggled as I pulled her into the shower.

The hot water hit her body “Eek!” her clothes clung to her body instantly “Never deny me.” I kissed her softly, pushing her against the shower wall. “And if I do?” She panted. “I’ll show you.” I ripped her dress off “Ngh!” she flinched “And you might like it.” I smirked, watching the water run down her body.

Shireen (Back on Earth):

I sat next to Daniel, watching TV at Diana’s house. I leaned against him, my long hair covering my face slightly. It’s been over two months since Diana left with Aqua. And according to Mitsuru, they’re engaged. We’ve been staying over at Diana’s house for the ever since she left. Her mom doesn’t seem to care but her dad… well, he’s taking it the hardest and has been depressed ever since he found out that they ran away together. He hasn’t left his room. He hardly eats and just sits in his room, looking out the window. Mitsuru gets him to eat but he refuses to leave his room until Diana comes back.

I sighed, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl that sat in Daniel’s lap “What’s wrong?” he wrapped his arm around my shoulder “I miss Diana. She hasn’t made any communication with us for months. She even ran away when Mitsuru and Usagi tried to talk to her.” I looked up at him “Don’t worry. She’ll talk to us when she’s ready.” He pushed my hair out of my face. “She got engaged… I feel left out.” I stood up and walked towards the door “I just wish she would come back. At least for her dad.” I slammed the door and headed towards my room.

Helen was knocking at Diana’s dad’s door “um, dinner is ready Mister Ayala.” She mumbled. Mitsuru went back to Eden to find Diana.

I walked over to her “What’s wrong?” I looked at the tea cart with steak and mashed potatoes. She smiled at me “I’m bringing him his dinner in Mitsuru’s place. Only he won’t answer.” She sighed “I’ll just enter then.” She moved the cart to the side and opened the door. He sat in the dark, only the moon light from the window shone against him. “Mr. Ayala? I brought you dinner.” Helen entered quickly. He continued to look out the window “Mr. Ayala? Are you okay?” I sat on the bed next to him; Helen was setting up his dinner.

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