Chapter 18: False War

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I walked back down the hallway, grabbing my backpack. I could heard the girls talking and getting ready. Word came in that Sagittarius has no intention of joining us and wants us dead. Diana is pissed and ready to fight.

Normally, she would ignored things like this but... he attempted to kill one of our crystal angels on their watch. And when they came back barely breathing, she snapped. She was suited in golden armor right now, choosing a weapon to fight with. "I'm going to rip his head off, if he let's his guard down, I swear." you could see the flames burning in her eyes.

"Babe, fighting with pure anger will give the enemy the advantage. You don't think clearly, when you're angry. That could get you killed." I grabbed my sword off the wall, sheathing it. "I know, I know!" she huffed, grabbing a sword.

"Then think about this! Let him come to us, where we will be rested and ready to fight while he has to cross the desert to get here." I grabbed her shoulders "You are going to be Queen, you need to react in a calm, rational way."

She glared at me "I already know that but he nearly killed one of our children. I won't let him get away with that." she leaned against me, dropping her sword. "You can't kill him, remember? Stellar Celestia said you need, all of the constellation on your side, no matter what."

"Aqua! I know, okay?!" she pushed me away. "You don't understand. I have to save this entire solar system with barely anything other what she has given me! I don't know what to do, there are so many problemsI I don't want to be responsibleI I hated having so much responsibilities! And now this?! I just can't! I can't handle it!" she screamed, trembling. "I didn't think this would come with so much responsibilities.... I'm not responsible enough." she fell to the floor, crying. "Have you been holding this in all this time?" I clenched my teeth. She nodded, wiping her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have relieve some of this off you." I kneeled down, hugging her.

She cried, wrapping her arms around me "I'm so scared! What if I mess up? What if I fail to gather the constellation?" she sobbed "You won't fail-."

"Mother, Sagittarus' army is nearing!" Samatha ran in, a boomerage on her back. I glared at her. "Mom..?" Samatha stepped forward, "Okay, Samatha. Tell the others crystal angels to keep at the gates and my team to the main hall." she stood up, her back towards Samatha. "Mum.." "Go! We don't have much time." she picked up her sword and sheated it. Samatha ran out.

She walked towards the door, standing in the frame. "I'm sorry for yelling. I just... I'm stressed." she gave a weak smile. "I'm your fiancé, I want you to tell me things like that. You can't hide evrything inside. Especially from me." I smiled, walking over to her. "Thanks.. Let's go." she wrapped her hand around mine, tugging me out of the room.

We walked out into chaos, fighting and blood filled the air. "How did they-?!" Diana yelled, pulling her sword out. "Princess!" Maria jumped onto the balconey, her outfit falling apart. "They stormed us... We've lost a lot of angels.." she straggered, leaning against the railing for support. "We need your-." "I know." she sighed. "There was no point in putting this armor on... Crystal Heart Power!" she held her crystal brooch up, pink light covered her, forming into a white dress with layers of frill. Her hair floated into a pony tail wrapped by a raspberry ribbon. "Princess, our angels need healing." Maria pointed over at the crystals angel barely alive.

 I cringed, "Yes." I raised my hand up. "Power flow." a blue light covered my hand.I flung the ball of light at them. A flash covered my view. As the light fadded, they were healed and ready to fight. "Good!" I sang, I held my hand out "Staff of the Goddess!" my golden staff slowly formed in my hand.

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