Chapter 14: Scorpio's Kingdom

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"We've been walking forever..." Ai, Leonora's eldest daughter whined. "Calm down, you brat." Aqua growled towards her, she flinched and shut her mouth quickly. "Leave my daughter alone, she's simply tired!" Leonora huffed at him, poking him in the back with her staff.

""Tired  or not, she wished to come so she gets what she gets!" he smacked her staff away and sped up. "Don't mind him, he's cranky because he didn't get some last night." I whispered to Leonora, she giggled as Aqua glared at us "I heard that."

We laughed even harder "Mom, I'm getting tired, can we please take a break?" Yuki pulled at Leonora's tail "Sure we can! I'm tired too..." I sighed, waving towards everyone. "Let's set camp and you know, eat." I plopped down to the ground, covered with dirt and sweat. "Such lazy bums..." Aqua sat down next to me, and of course, not even breaking a sweat this entire trip. "I still don't understand why dragons couldn't fly us there,,," I mumbled, leaning back.

"Scorpio felt they were dangerous and to land anywhere without crushing anything." he held a water bottle above my head, open. "Don't you dare..." I looked up at his grinning face. "Whoops!" cold water splashed against my face and chest, soaking through my clothes. "You did. omg." I threw myself at him, throwing water at him. "Wack! Hey!" he yelped as both our water bottles flew up and doused us both.

"You two are fools.." Celina sighed, watching us wrestle. "Am not!" I cried out pushing Aqua down "You actually are!" Aqua flipped me over and pinned me down. "You butt!!" I struggled, my long pink hair everywhere. "But, I'm your butt, babe." he kissed my cheek. "Don't try to sweet talk me!" I squealed, jumping out of his grip.

"Such a weird couple..." Yuki watched us in awe, her eyes followed us back and forth as we ran after each other.

"Hey, we got food, do you guys want any?" Shireen walked up, holding meat and fruits. "I DO!" I jumped away from Aqua and ran towards her. "I'll get you later, Aqua!" I laughed, coming to a stop in front of her. "We will too." everyone walked over, watching me bite into a orange and red fruit. "After eating, we need to find a place to stay for the night." Aqua ate calmly, pointing towards the map Celina was holding. "He's right. Scorpions run around at night, we don't want to get caught by them." Celina trailed around the map with her eyes.

I scraffed down a chunk of meat, sitting on Aqua's lap. "Some princess..." Ai, scoffed at me. Aqua glared at her, tighten his grip on me "She is more of princess then you will ever be." Ai stood up instantly "She will never be better then me! I am born into it. It's in my blood. She has no right to be considered anything more then a human!!" She screamed, glaring at us. "You will lose your title sooner than you think. You aren't the new constellation and you never will be." He growled, watching as her face covered with horror.

"Enough!" Leonora roared, hugging her daughter. "Aqua..." I pulled him close "That's enough." I mumbled. "Fine." he grumbled, glaring at everyone.

"We should head north, there should be a cave around there." Celina cough to disrupt the silence. "Is everyone ready?" I looked around at them, they nodded and stood up.


"Are we almost there??" Yuki whined, pushing her long black hair back into a ponytail. The crystal on her forehead shone a light blue. "Hush, child. We are nearly there." Celina sighed, panting as she looked back at the map. "Is that it?" Shireen looked as large rock that loomed over us.

"Yes, let's explore before we settle down. We don't know if scorpions are hding inside or not...." she brushed back her bangs, walking inside. We quickly fol lowed, the darkness slowly consumed us.

"Leo, light please." Celina coughed lightly. Flame rose above us, lighting the cave with a bright warm light. "I think we have a problem..." Leonora gulped. We watched as bright eye flashed open all around us. "Transform, now!" I screamed, huddling with the girls. Flashes of our transformation blinded the scorpions. They huddled back, hissing at us.

We hurled ourselves at them, fire, water, ice, air and my pink flashes flew everywhere. Blood and screams filled the air. I stepped back, panting. The cave grew quiet, aside from the panting and gushing sound of the blood. "Not bad, you've been trained well." Celina wiped blood from her face, smiling lightly. "Thanks, we try." I laughed, pushing a corpse aside. "Let clean up and set up camp." Eve grumbled, freezing a stack of them. "Ew, I'm not touching them." Ai scoffed, still clinging to the wall.

"Such a brat." Aqua whispered under his breath. "Aqua!" I hissed, flinging a corspe at him. He sliced it in half. "It's the truth." he grumbled. "Ugh, whatever."


The fire crackled, a chicken (at least that's what it looks like. Animals are different in The Gate of Eden) hung above it, roasting and filling the air with it aroma. The cave covered with the warmth of the fire. Everyone was sitting in groups, talking about different things. My girls sat with each other while the constellation sat on the other side of the cave. We're all exhuasted, well, expect Aqua, he's keeping watch by the entrance.

"Princess.." Ai sat down next to me, looking every where but me. "I'm sorry. I was really rude towards you and I have no place to speak that way of you. It's just... I'm never seen a royal act the way you do. You are... interesting." at the last words she gave me a look that matched. "You act brashly, you have manner, yes but you have a air of freedom to you. I've never met anyone like you. That's why I acted so rudely. Even my mother and Auntie Celina are... happier around you. You just give them a freedom they've never really had. So, I'm really sorry, your higness. I should know my place." she sighed, giving me a sorrowful look.

"No, call me Diana. I'm not really different then you. I'm still adjusting to life here in The Gate of Eden. I was pretty shocked when everyone was so crud towards me. I wasn't shock when you reacted the way you did. It's a given. I just don't understand, why does everyone act like they do." I leaned back, looking at the ceiling. "You're different. That's why. You came from nowhere and entered our society with such power and impact, we were startled. But now I see why you're going to be Queen." She smiled and stood.

"Wait, what?" I sat there dumbfounded as she sat with her sister, laughing happily with each other. A sting of pain went through my chest. I miss my family, not my real one but the people who cared for me before... I miss sibling. I just want to go home sometimes and go back to what it used to be. But...

I look up at Aqua, he stood at the entrance of the cave, leaning against the wall of it. I don''t want to leave him. I never ever want to leave his side. I don't know what he'd be like without me. I stood up and walked over to him. I cuddled up against him and wrapped my arms around him. "What's wrong?" He looked back, smiling "Nothing, I just want you to know I love you." I whispered into his back. He chuckled, and brought my face to his."I love you more." He kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you even more." I sighed, leaning against his chest. "No, I love you more. " he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"You guys are so cute I could throw up." Eve fake gagged. "Very funny!" I laughed, sticking my tongue out at her.

"I thought it was funny."

Everyone jumped up, looking at the silhoutte walk closer. "Calm down, it's only me." a female voice echoed. The light traced over her.

Celina and Leonora gasped "Scorpio..." "Hadyn.."

"You're Scorpio?" I eyed her as she walked closer. "Yep! It's a pleasure to meet you, princess." She shook my hand.

I examined her carefully. She had long lilac hair pulled back into braid that ended at her ankle. Her red eye shone against her light skin. She wore electric blue shorts with a black crop top. "Hi. What are you doing here?" I smiled. "I came to escort you guys but it's gotten late. So, I'll stay here the night with you guys!" she ran past me and over to Celina and Leonora.

"oh yeah. I hear you want me on you side! I came to respond!" she spun around and smiled. "And?"I walked closer.

"It's a yes!!"

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