Chapter 26

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With Krystals' doctor I went to the cafe at the back of the hospital. Doctor Kim nervously looked around making sure we were as far from people as we could get here. That made me nervous on what he wanted to talk about.

"Firstly I apologize for making you walk all the way here."

"No it's alright Dr. Kim. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about regarding Krystal?" I asked.

"Please call me Jongin. If that's alright with you of course Miss Min." He said. I offered him a gentle smile.

"Then you can call me Chaeyoung, Jongin." I said.

"The disease I told you Krystal had the other day, I lied. Krystal does have a tumor in her womb. However it's small and not malignant." Jongin said.

"Then removing the womb.." I murmured.

"Would be unnecessary. She also probably feels almost no pain in her womb either."

"But she fainted." I frowned.

"Simply an act. She's very good yes?" Jongin said. I hated to admit but if she were to have perused a career in acting she would have been making headlines. "The day she pretended to faint in front of your fathers room was all just to get Mr Min back from you."


"By lying and saying she has uterine cancer she got your brothers sympathy." Jongin said. I stayed quiet, her plan definitely worked and got Yoongi back. 

"Because of the abortion the tumor she had long ago became malignant. That's what I told Mr Min. Krystal made it all up."

Like I thought, her acting could have gotten her to be an A list celebrity. I couldn't believe what he had just told me. I couldn't speak, just stared at Jongin dumbfounded by everything. 

"It was as few days after she found out about your union between Mr Min and yourself that she contacted me and asked for my cooperation." Jongin said. He definitely sounded ashamed for what he had done.

"Why did you cooperate with her lie?" I asked.

He looked up at me with a distance glint in his eyes. "Well," he started, "I met Krystal in New York. At the time she was afraid of the engagement being called off. If that had happened she would have lost her ticket to enter the upper society that your family is apart of. It's different from the society of celebrities."


"So she asked a gynecologist that she knew to write fake patient records for her pregnancy and then her abortion. That gynecologist being me." Jongin said.

"So both of the pregnancy and abortion were fake? Has anything that's come out of her mouth be the truth?" I asked disgusted that I believed everything she had told me that day we met.

"That was only the start of the lies." Jongin whispered, "If it came to light I would lose everything I ever worked for." 

"Then why Jongin? Why would you do all this?" I asked leaning forward, "You should have been able to refuse her."

"I couldn't. You see Chaeyoung. I'm in love with Krystal." Jongin admitted.

"What? What did you just say?" I asked falling back into the old chair. She used the love he had for her to get him to do anything she wanted.

"Even if she marries your brother, she would get compensation money immediately and would split up... she said she would marry me after she got what she wanted from him.  She said ... I was mislead by her charm and sweet words. I was blinded by the future I wanted with her, the love I have for her. I did something unspeakable." He said slamming his fist on the table making me jump. Clearly he was hurt by her and hurt that he still loved her.

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