Chapter 14.2

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"I really did get told off." I said to myself.

After going to Jungkooks apartment to see the painting and then coming back home, Yoongi was seriously pissed.

"That guy doesn't even know how many idiotic things he's done. Break up with him already. You're also an idiot for dating such an idiot."

His insults to Jungkook turned into a sermon for me. I ended up being preached at by Yoongi for an hour or so in his room. I knew he was worried about me and I was happy about that, it showed he cared. But it was beginning to suffocate me.

Someone was watching what I did all hours of the day. That didn't feel great. With someone constantly watching me I couldn't let my mind wander and that was emotionally exhausting. So even though I thought the way I did, it wasn't great. By going to somewhere I wasn't watched I was able to relax.

I want to tell Yoongi that it's not necessary but whenever I start to think about the incident I started shaking. I had unintentionally saved myself by forgetting my cell phone. I probably wouldn't have been able to be here if I hadn't done so. That's why I can't say I didn't need a body guard, even if it felt a little oppressive.

Even when I walked alone, someone was watching from afar. It was for my safety.

I suddenly felt a buzz from my phone. I hurried to my room and dug around for my phone to see I had received a text not recently but a while ago.


I had only been apart for him just a few hours. It was unusually brief for Jungkook. All it contained was a date, time and place.

'What?' I asked myself.

Text from Jungkook started off with idle chitchat then he would get to what he wanted to talk about but only for a short time at the end of the conversation.

'He smiled then but was he actually mad about today?' Worried that he was I sent him a text asking if he was mad about today's events.

"That was quick." I said seeing my phone light up with his reply. I thought because it took a while for me to respond he would do the same. He was known for doing so. 'Was he replying fast because he wasn't or because he was?'

I clicked on the text notification with a nervous finger. The text read I'm not mad! Anyway, that time okay with you?

'Is he lying?' Its fine but what's going on? I sent him back. His reply didn't answer my question. All he was to look forward to it. I didn't have a good feeling about it and I just hoped it was my imagination.


It was the day I promised to meet up to Jungkook. Last night he sent me a text telling me what to wear. Come in comfortable black shoes and that one black body suit you have and thejeans you have that match Jimins, he said. I had no idea what I was getting myself into today but I still couldn't help feel that this wasn't a good idea.

Jungkook wasn't usually one for request but today he was full of them. I got to the spot like he said and looked around for Jungkook. I couldn't find him anywhere. It didn't help that there quite a bit of people around shopping.

"Noona! Here!" I was still looking for him when he shouted that. I looked to a bench near the washroom and waved back. Walking over I saw his smile fade.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"That." I pointed to the man behind me. I looked and sighed. Even with all the people walking in bright colored clothes it wasn't hard to point out the man wearing an all black suit.

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