Chapter 28- Happy Ending

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A few weeks after everything I found myself sitting on the beach alone. The waves were lapping up against the shore. Although everything around me changed, the beach didn't. It was still the beach of my memories. This was where I became apart of the Min family so many years ago. I think around this time of ear as well. 

When I was in middle school I was taken to a cottage near here. There appa was introduced to me as my "new appa". I remember running out of the cottage without saying a word because yet again I was brought to a new appa to start a new life. I hated it so I came here and watched the waves like I am now. I felt a vague sense of unease back then and I'm feeling the same now.

that day, before I returned to the mansion, my brother reported the incident to the police. We watched gravely as Krystal was taken away kicking and screaming. The incident was widely reported of course. I heard Jungkook say that even parts of America got the news of this as well. Now there was greater interest in the Min family than ever before. It still hasn't settled down.

The arguments of the press were split in two factions. The story of a brother and sisters strong bond of love that overcame everything, even as a wicked woman trifled with them. One side made that incident look scandalous.

There was also criticism for the Min Corp wondering if all this was just an appeal for business. I was fed up with both arguments. The first one was obviously the more accurate one but I was tired of it being the only thing that press and the news were reporting on.

I who had wanted nothing more than everything to calm down and returned to normal avoided going out of the estate at all costs. The opposite of my brother. Yoongi continued to do his daily work and dealt with the press on top of that. But thanks to being taken up by the press the business stocks were going back up. As a good business man, Yoongi couldn't run away from a good opportunity such as this one. 

We can't be like how we were before anymore I thought as the sea breeze got a little stronger. While hugging myself and shivering from the cold, I thought back on how Yoongi and I first met.


"Could you call him appa? There's no way I could call him that so easily!" I shouted thinking back to moments ago where I was introduced to eomma's new husband or soon to be husband.

While sitting I threw sand towards the waves that just seemed to taunt me. It made me angry to see the sand I've thrown disappear into the waves in no time at all. I threw so much sand that the wind cause some to fly back into my eyes.

"Wha! J-jeez this is the worst! What is this?!"

When I rubbed my eyes for some reason it was like I was crying. I got the sand out but I just felt sadder. I hugged my knees and put my head down.

I don't need a father. I thought to myself.

"You'll catch a cold." Someone said.

"Huh?" I turned around and saw a fuzzy figure, thanks to the tears in my eyes. I could see the figure moving closer to me, I hurriedly wiped my tears with the back of my hands. 

"So you were here?" The boy said. He looked like someone I knew but I couldn't be sure, "I was looking for you."

"Huh? Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm Min Yoongi. You big brother starting from today." He said showing me the softest and warmest smile. 

"O-oppa?" I asked.

"Yup. It's nice to meet you." I ignored the hand he stuck out and turned my gaze back to the ocean. 

"Why are you just looking at the ocean?" He asked.

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