Chapter 28- First Ending

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I was staring at the other side of the glass with complex thoughts. There moving around in the room, in a hospital gown was Krystal. She still hadn't recovered.

After the incident and her breakdown she just wasn't able to get hold of her mind again so Yoongi hospitalized her. Yoongi wanted to take her to court of course but I didn't. I wanted to, so wanted to, but she clearly needed mental help. I felt bad for her. So Yoongi found a place for her, one of the best of course.

"Hurry and come out." Krystal said lovingly patting her flat tummy. 

"Chae, you came." Yoongi said walking up besides me. 

"Oh oppa." I murmured glancing up at him. We hadn't talked much since we agreed, well fought, about what to do with Krystal.  He took in a long breath as she watched Krystal cooing at her barren stomach.

"She's been like this the whole time." Yoongi murmured, "The last three days."

I couldn't read the thoughts on his face, he was so tired from the recent events. I hoped that he would be able to take some time off from work soon to get his own health back in order.

"How are things at home?" He asked turning to me. I quickly looked away so he didn't know that I was watching him but I had a feeling he already knew.

"Mm everything finally calmed down a bit. Quieter but.."

"What about the staff that's left?" He asked.

"Oh just Chae Sung and a few guards." I shrugged.

"I see. I've put you through a lot." Yoongi sighed looking down. That's when I noticed them. A earring that had a few dangling pieces hanging from his ear. I bought it for him not long after we met. He was wearing it the night of that stupid party. I never seen it again, I thought he would have thrown it out by now.

"It's nothing." I shrugged, "On the bright side I can finally sleep. I don't have to hear reporters outside all hours of the night." 

How about that woman? As expected, she's not coming back?" Yoongi asked. His brow furrowing like every other time he's mentioned my mother.

"Yeah. She disappeared after the funeral." I nodded.

Appa passed away in the middle of all this. I know Yoongi regrets not being there for him in his last days since he was dealing with Krystal. I also know he would never admit it either. Barely an hour after the service my mother was gone like the wind.  I haven't been able to get in touch with her either.

The only thing I consider decent that came out of this was since this incident we've only been mentioned in the news for being victims and a few times about the future of the company. Nothing really about the company. I'm hoping it stayed like this for a few weeks at least. I think it will considering how branched out this whole thing is. 

The further quiet things down Yoongi officially called off our engagement. He left the estate and was currently living in an apartment near the office. We lost a few partners in the business after the engagement was called off. I couldn't believe people actually only partnered with the Min Corp because of us. We also started loosing customers causing stock to decease. Probably why eomma ran away, she knew the money wasn't going to last much longer.

Yoongi's cohesive power inside the company also dropped drastically and the development plan that was in the end our last hope to save the company went down the drain.

"Y-Yoongi are you okay?" I decided to ask. I didn't know if I wanted to know if he was okay emotionally, mentally, morally or what. i just wanted to know if he was okay in any way I could.

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