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5 Years Ago

My elder brother was in an all black suit that complimented his pale skin and dark hair. He was surrounded by a crowd of people in the center of the party hall. They were congratulating him for the new business opportunity located overseas.

"Yoongi, you've come a long way." One guest said, "You'll do great following the footsteps of your father."

"Hired by the New York branch straight out of university. The future of Min Corp is very promising." Another said.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now." Yoongi chuckled.

"You don't have the time to be saying such naive things Yoongi. Don't forget one day you'll take over." Father chimed in.

"It's not like you intend to hand it over anytime soon father." Yoongi sipped his champagne.

"I'm just telling you to be prepared." Father, in his drunken state, clicked his tongue at Yoongi.

"Father, couldn't you see me off a little more cheerfully?" Yoongi laughed causing the crowd around to laugh as well.

In the corner I stood in, away from the crowd and the party I sipped my juice waiting for my best friend to come back from the bathroom. 'Yoongi's different from his grumpy self tonight. He's pretty cool when he's not grumpy.' I thought to myself.

"Chaeyoung, why are you hiding in the corner instead of enjoying the party?"

"Ah eomma." I turned to see my aging mother. Her hair was newly dyed jet black to cover her grey hairs and her lips plump from Botox. All of her face was young because of plastic surgery and I hardly recognized her, especially when she wore lots of make up.

"Why don't you talk to Yoongi or something? You know you're a fully-fledged member of the Min family." She said.

"Yeah.." I nodded. What she said wasn't so simple.

Being a child brought into this family from a previous marriage of my mothers I found myself holding back at times like these. It was hard to be a child forced into a family so high in status like this.

"I'll do it when there are less people." I hoped it would appease her. Luckily it did.

"Oh alright. Have you noticed how well of a man Yoongi grew up to be?" She asked.

"You think?" I asked looking back to my elder brother who was still talking with a smile to other guests.

"When I first met Yoongi he was so shy, barely talked to anyone. He's grown from that shell thanks to that Jung Hoseok friend. Yoongi will definitely succeed." She said. I stayed quiet.

She was always like this. After divorcing my dad and moving back to the mainland she had been with countless men. All of them were rude, and I hated each of them but she liked them for one reason and that was their money. When looking for a man she only decided their value based on how much money and nothing else.

"You need to catch a man that will succeed just like that." She said, I knew it was coming, but I wasn't like her.

At the time, I heard a high-pitched laugh come from the center of the hall. I turned to see Krystal, my brothers fiancee. She was beautiful and a model which only made sense. She was behaving graciously in clothes that were flashy enough to make it seem like the party was for her rather than Yoongi.

"Krystal, you'll be spreading your wings in the world with Yoongi, how exciting." A female guest said.

"No, no spreading just supporting Yoongi." She leaned into his shoulder with a smile.

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