Part 4 - Oh, my Kami

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Yes, in animé, there are creatures that are so overly mentioned in different forms that we just don't know which to believe more in anymore. Today, I want to rant about two of these beings.

An example of this are death gods A.K.A Shinigamis.

You see, in one show, Shinigamis rip the soul out of the dead badassly while the other does it sassily.

Badassly. Sassily.

See the difference?

And in another animé, they just throw the ultimate weapon of death at a random student who was apparently just staring out at the window.

Somewhere out there, I swear I saw a drooling kid swoosh out of a scythe and some twin-tailed girl named Maka was just all chill about it.

And in a parallel universe, a redhead with glasses was using a chainsaw to kill but was still defeated and later on in the series, he used scissors.

Scissors, goddamn it.

Ladies and gentlemen, Grell Sutcliffe.

Do you know how fucked up my brain is right now?

Which one should I believe?

The one that says they're just students waiting to capture a witch's soul?

The part that says they're ugly, flying zombies whose weapon is an elementary notebook?

Or the show that says they're hot dudes with poor vision so glasses are a must?

There are other animé pertaining Shinigamis but these are just my favorites.

Another thing.


Why are their Gods not so god-like?

What do you think that word means?

As in God. As in Perfection.

How come Gods in their world are sometimes found in a busted shrine and their power can be passed unto another through physical activity? Is this AIDS?

But I'm talking about Kami-sama Hajimemashita (A.K.A Kamisama Kiss).

The show where the slave is a hundred times stronger than the goddess.

Another thing I don't get. The time and space God from Mirai Nikki.

Why the hell does a God have a time limit? If that's the case, then you're not a God.

You're a fucking alarm clock with a bomb attached to you, waiting to explode.


Dayum. Less busy, but still. XD

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Our Wifi router broke and I'm getting it fixed right now. I'm just stealing wifi from our neighbors but they don't turn it on often. XD


We will always love animé no matter what.

-Raven (BBOD)

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