Chapter 29- The Proposal

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I opened my eyes to look around. Luke was no where to be seen. I rubbed my head. This headache is killing me! I got up from my bed and washed my face. I went to the living room. He wasn't even there. I heard the scratching of a spatula. I peeped inside the kitchen. Luke was cooking something and was sweating like hell. A lot of smoke came out from the pan. Luke coughed.

I entered the kitchen panicked. I took hold of the pan and pushed away the burnt material in the sink with a spatula. I sighed with relief. 

'Are you alright?' I asked him.

'Yeah.' He said and looked embarrassed. 

'Why do you have to cook when you don't know how to?' I asked sternly and put a hand on my waist.

He looked more embarrassed. 

'It's dangerous you know.' I said. 

He still didn't speak anything. He was wearing an apron in which KISS THE COOK. was written in bold black words. I smiled to myself. I kissed him softly and looked at him lovingly. As I let go of his lip he said 'I just wanted to make something for you.' 

'You don't have to. It's alright.' I said and patted his shoulder. I walked towards the couch and sat there. I yawned and rubbed my forehead. WHY THE FUCK IS MY HEAD ACHING SO MUCH?!

Suddenly Luke took my hand in his. I looked at him. Our eyes interlocked. 

'I know this isn't a right time to ask this but will you be my girlfriend Erika?' He asked. My heart skipped a beat. 

'I promise I will be a good boyfriend.' He added. 

I still can't say anything. The words aren't coming out of my throat.

'We can't be friends anymore. I will always see you as something else.' He said with a sigh.

'Yes.' the words managed escaped my throat. 

'Yes?' He asked surprised.

'YES!!!' I exclaimed and took him in my arms. 

He hugged me tightly. I hugged him tighter. The doorbell rang which broke us both apart.

I opened the door and saw Shane. Shane threw a dirty look at Luke. He gave me the usual blank look. 

'Come on let's go.' Shane said and held my hand.

Luke took the hold of my other wrist and glared at Shane. Shane glared back.

'Let go Shane.' Luke snapped 

'NO.' Luke replied.

'She is MY girlfriend.' Luke said emphasizing the word my. 

Shane scoffed.

'You finally proposed her?' Shane asked laughing.

'As a matter of fact I did.' Luke replied with a hint of sarcasm.

'Yeah just play with her for a while. Eventually you will just get tired of her.' Shane said rolling his eyes.

'I have had enough.' Luke said and left my arm. He threw his hand up in the air to hit Shane. Luke stopped when his fist was just a few centimeters away from Shane's face. I could see Luke's veins. 

'Luke uh- please just....Let it be.' I said caressing his shoulder. He closed his eyes for a moment and calmed down. Shane just scoffed. 

'Shane we need to talk.' I said.

'What is there to talk?' he asked.

I pulled him inside the house. 'Luke can you excuse us both for a moment?' 

'Sure.' Luke replied and disappeared to his room with a grim look on his face.

I turned to Shane and said 'You need to stop acting like this.' 

'Like what?' he asked.

'See I- I said yes to Luke.' I said.

'I already know that.' he snapped at me.

'You are my best friend Shane. Let's not just spoil our friendship by coming in a relationship.' I said calmly.

'Whatever.' He said.

'I have always loved you Shane. My relationship with Luke won't change anything.' I assured him.

'I don't believe you.' He said scoffing.

'Come on Shane.' I sighed and squinted my eyes. I gave him a cute pleading look. This will break him.

'Fine.' He said. Yes!

'You should date too.' I suggested.

'I will.' he replied. 

'You will?' I asked.

'Of course.' He replied.

'YAY! Good for you! I know you will find an AH-MAZING girl.' I exclaimed happily.

'Yeah but only you will be the one for me.' He said.

I ignored this statement and looked away.

'You coming home now?' He asked.

'No she isn't.' Luke emerged out of no where and answered instead of me.

'She has to go to school.' Shane said calmly.

'I know. I will drop her to school.' Luke said. 

'Whatever. Oh and Erika don't come to school in these clothes. You smell pretty bad.' Shane said and walked out of the house.

I turned bright red. Did he have to say this!!?? In front of Luke?!! I sniffed my t-shirt.

'You don't smell that bad.' Luke assured me. 

I gave him a nervous smile.

'I have something for you.' Luke said. 

'What?!' I exclaimed excitedly.

'You will see.' He said and went to his room. 

I wonder what he has got for me. Shane. I don't know what to do. I know I love Luke. But what about Shane? I feel so confused. WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO FACE SITUATIONS LIKE THESE??? ARGH!!!!!!!! My brain is screaming due to this tension!!

Hey guys!!

Thank you for reading!!

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Be happy and don't forget to love yourself!! & your life!!!

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