Chapter One: The Bet

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A/N: Heya! So basically I was sitting on the couch watching wipeout when this idea came to my head. Anyway, I was thinking that it could be the fifth year, which I believe was the year stupid Umbridge came? This chapter is basically going to be when they go back to Hogwarts.



Harry, Ron, and I were sitting at the Gryffindor table, ready to start our fifth year. I really can't believe it's fifth year already, it feels like we were just in first year. Harry was still a little shaken up from what happened to him over the summer with Dudly. Honestly, I probably would be too. Everyone looked a little bit different as well.

They looked older, more mature. Well, most people. Some people like the Weasley twins never change, which I guess is good. Everyone needs a good laugh every now and then. Or in the twin's own little world, every day. I did kind of admire them for their humor and their spirits although sometimes it did get awfully annoying.

I still can't believe that it's been a year since the whole Cedric incident. Things weren't really the same anymore. Cho was still upset about it too. I guess the last year left everyone upset and scared. I wouldn't blame them though. Even I couldn't believe that he who shall not be named was back. It made me shudder just thinking about it. I really hope nothing bad happens.

"Hermione?" Someone asked me.

"Hermione? Earth to Hermione." A different person said and waved their hand in front of my face. I shook my head, coming back to reality to see that Ron was the one who was waving his hand in front of my face.

I gave him a confused look, he just shrugged and said Harry needed me and of course, went back to stuffing his face. He really wouldn't be Ron if he wasn't. I turned to Harry to find that he was already staring at me with confusion written all over his face.

"What's wrong Harry?" I asked him with concern.

"Malfoy's looking at you." He said with disgust. I quickly whipped my head around, probably giving myself whiplash, but sure enough, Harry was right. Malfoy was indeed looking right at me.

Ugh, what did that ferret want? I glared at him and in return, he smirked. Can't say I'm surprised. I rolled my eyes and turned my head back around annoyed by him.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" I huffed to Harry accusingly as if I thought he knew something.

"How am I supposed to know?" Harry put his hands up in surrender. There will be some things that I will never understand, one of them being Draco Malfoy.

DRACO'S POV: (Meanwhile with Draco)

"Hey Draco." Blaise, one of my good friends called out as he sat down beside me.

"Zambini." I said coldly.

"Calling me by my last name now are we? Okay, I see how it is." He replied jokingly. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Aw come on, I didn't even get a proper greeting!" He said while pouting a little. I still had no idea why we were even friends but at least I could deal with him. Pansy, on the other hand, is another story.

"What Blaise, what." I huffed as I glared at Blaise with impatience.

"See, it wasn't so hard was it." He said nudging me. I can't tell you how many times I have told people not to touch me. Does he not realize I have a knife laying on the table right beside me since we're about to eat? I will use it if I have to. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when someone abruptly sat next to me.

"Hey Drakiepoo!" Their shrill voice called out. Dear Merlin.

They wrapped their freezing-cold hands around my arm and nuzzled into me. I knew exactly who it was. It was Pansy Parkinson. I really wanted to smack her in the face, hard enough that she would fall off the bench and hopefully break her nose, or better yet break her face. That way I would have an easier time looking at it without wanting to barf.

"Ugh get off me Pansy." I said disgustedly and shoved her off me.

She glared at me and started throwing a tantrum. This girl has some serious issues and I will happily pay for her therapy if it means she's far far away from me.

"Hey Draco, look at Granger." Blaise said pointing towards the Gryffindor table. I rolled my eyes but turned my head to look at Granger.

"Yeah, what about her?" I asked him with my head still turned.

"Looks like she fixed herself up a bit over the summer. don't you think?" He said smirking at me, although I had no clue as to why he thought I cared. I mean I guess so, but she was still a mudblood. Not to mention her bushy hair, although it wasn't as bushy anymore. I still despised her, no hated her. She's friends with Potter and the Weasel. Too bad, she's like their walking dictionary.

I snickered just thinking about it. Stupid Scarhead and Weaselbee were too dumb to know anything so they have to be friends with that know it all mudblood. Pathetic.

"Wanna make a bet?" Blaise asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What kind of bet?" I asked carefully. Blaise always had some sort of tricks up his sleeve.

"I bet you couldn't make Granger Fall for you." He said while smirking. My nose wrinkled up in disgust. Ew, he was really making a bet with me about that ugly old bookworm? Absolutely not. But I couldn't back down even if I wanted to. I'm a Malfoy. It would ruin my status.

"Oh please, I could get her to fall for me faster than Potter's parents were killed." I spat at him.

"So that's a yes." He raised his eyebrows.

"It's not a no" I smirked at him.

"Loser owes the winner twenty galleons." Blaise held his hand out.

"You're on." I challenged and shook it. I turned my head to look at Granger. I could see her talking with Potter and then her head whipped around and looked at me.

I smirked and saw her glare at me which caused me to smirk wider. She turned her head back around, but not before rolling her eyes at me. Well, this is certainly going to be fun, I thought to myself while smirking wider than I thought was possible.

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