Chapter Ten: Just A Stupid Mudblood

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"I can look out for myself thank you very much. I never asked you to look out for me so I have no reason to thank you. And secondly, Malfoy's changed, why can't you see that? You can't control my life. If you don't like it then deal with it, and if you can't handle the fact that Malfoy and I might be talking like decent human beings then it's not my problem it's yours." I spat at them while gathering my things and with that, I stormed out of the Great Hall. 

➪𝙲 𝙷 𝙰 𝙿 𝚃 𝙴 𝚁 10

Draco's Pov: 

I had Granger wrapped around my finger. Everything was going perfectly until Saint Potter came and ruined it all.

 "Mione what are you doing with that greasy blond ferret!?" Potter fumed as I scowled at him. He just had to come and ruin it all, didn't he. Then all of a sudden he turned to me.

 "YOU!" He spat and shoved finger accusingly into my face.

  "Stay the hell away from Mione!" I scoffed as I continued to scowl at him. Granger tried to reason with him but I knew better than to just sit here wasting my time on someone like Potter.

"Harry please!" Granger cried out trying to reason with him but he shoved her aside with a disappointed look on his face.

"Save it Hermione, I don't want to hear it." Harry said angrily and stormed off leaving Hermione standing there absolutely stunned.

 "Granger, are you okay?" I asked softly. I needed to be able to fix everything Potter ruined otherwise Zabini won't get off my back about it. I watched as she had a pained expression on her face. Obviously scarhead had done a lot of damage.

 "Granger?" I asked again and started to walk towards her slowly, trying to read her thoughts. 

"I'm fine, just go away. You ruined everything!" She shouted at me out of frustration. My once soft-looking expression turn into a cold scowl and I knew she immediately regretted it but I didn't care. 

"Fine, have it your way then, I never liked you any way you filthy mudblood." I spat, turning on my heel and walking off. How dare she talk to me like that. Stupid Mudblood. I stormed off to the Slytherin common room in hopes that maybe everything would be fine tomorrow but boy was I wrong.

------ Time Skip Brought To You By Ron's Unfinished Potions Essay -----

"Soo?" Blaise asked with a smirk on his face as we walked to the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. I scowled at him. 

"Yikes, guessing it didn't go too well then?" 

"Potter ruined everything." 

"What happened?" Blaise asked with a question eyebrow.

"That stupid Mudblood is what happened" I growled. 

" What do you m-" He started but got cut off by someone yelling at the Gryffindor table. 

"I can look out for myself thank you very much. I never asked you to look out for me so I have no reason to thank you. And secondly, Malfoy's changed, why can't you see that? You can't control my life. If you don't like it then deal with it, and if you can't handle the fact that Malfoy and I might be talking like decent human beings then it's not my problem it's yours." Granger spat at Potter and weaselbee then stormed out of the Great Hall. I smirked at myself as I turned to Blaise.

"Well Blaise, I guess our plan is working better than I thought." 

A/N: Hey guys sorry this was so short, I've just been having writer's block lately. Anyways, I don't think I'm going to be updating as much since I'm starting to go into dance competition season and my Next break isn't until March but I will try to update as much as I possibly can. Also OMG THIS BOOK HAS 330 READS!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! <3

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