Chapter Eleven: Don't Get Caught

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"I can look out for myself thank you very much. I never asked you to look out for me so I have no reason to thank you. And secondly, Malfoy's changed, why can't you see that? You can't control my life. If you don't like it then deal with it, and if you can't handle the fact that Malfoy and I might be talking like decent human beings then it's not my problem it's yours." Granger spat at Potter and weaselbee, then stormed out of the Great Hall. I smirked as I turned to Blaise.

"Well Blaise, I guess our plan is working better than I thought." 

➪𝙲 𝙷 𝙰 𝙿 𝚃 𝙴 𝚁 11

Hermione's Pov: 

"Good morning children."  Professor Umbridge said as she began to walk into the classroom. Honestly, I never liked the woman. She constantly wore pink and was a horrendous teacher. She doesn't teach us anything. I was sitting next to Ginny (A/N: I know Ginny is a year younger than them but I'm just going to pretend that she's in this class for the sake of the story). I would normally sit next to Harry and Ron but they kept shunning me, saying
sorry for yelling at you up at the astronomy tower, you didn't deserve that and I apologize. I was just really frustrated with Harry and I didn't mean to lash out at you, I hope you understand.


I stared at my writing proudly, before throwing it over to Malfoy, making sure Umbridge wasn't looking. The note went sailing through the air and whacked Draco right in the head causing him to let out a yelp and rub the back of his head in pain. So dramatic I thought as I rolled my eyes.

Ginny, who apparently saw the parchment hit Draco in the head snorted and I threw her a look that said Shut up and in return, she smirked at me. I ignored it and looked over at Malfoy to see if he had opened the note yet, but to my surprise, I found him already staring at me with an icy glare. I gave him an apologetic face but he completely ignored me and turned back around, crumpling the piece of parchment. I quickly took out another and scribbled furiously. 

Are you seriously mad at me?


I wrote, then tossed it to Draco, the parchment once again hitting him in the head.  I stifled a laugh as he practically got whiplash from turning his head around too fast causing him to grimace in pain. He shot me another glare, snatched the paper up, and opened it. He again crumpled it up and tossed it aside. Ugh, stupid git.

"Good Morning children." Professor Umbridge repeated in a sickeningly sweet voice making me cringe. I huffed knowing how unpleasant this class would be when a piece of paper came flying right towards me, landing right on my desk. I opened up the crumpled parchment and read:

 Yes, yes I am. What's it to you, Granger? 


I sighed and scribbled another note, sending it back over to Malfoy. 

I said I'm sorry! Is that not enough for you? 


Malfoy is so annoying sometimes. I thought as I tried to block out the sound of Umbridge. I turned my head to see Ginny making a weird face at me.

"What?" I whispered to her.

"Hermione, what's been going on between you and Malfoy? I know Harry told me everything but what's really going on between you guys?" She whispered back to me. 

"Honestly, I'm not really sure at the moment. Malfoy's mad at me because I accidentally yelled at him two days ago because I was frustrated with Harry but I-" I started but got cut off by something hitting me on the back of my head. I whipped around to see a smirking Malfoy.

You practically humiliated me in front of Potter and yelled at me for nothing. So no, sorry is not going to cut it. 


As always. Selfish little git. 

Well, what do you want me to do? Bow down to you or something and beg for your forgiveness? Oh Please, your royal purebloodness, please forgive me for my heinous actions I'll do anything just don't tell your father. Please oh please forgive me. Yeah, no. 


I wrote and sent the note flying back to him, getting constant weird looks from Ginny.

"Oh shove off." I whispered to her in a playful manner causing her to try to stifle a laugh but then covered her mouth so she wouldn't get caught. 

Now that's more like it.


Draco sent the note to me with a smirk. I was about to write to him back when I felt a sudden presence hovering over me.

"Miss Granger." Came Umbridges voice. She stood in front of me with an expression I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Are you passing notes in my class?" She asked raising her eyebrow and tapping her foot.

"No professor." I looked at the floor grimacing.

"That's what I thought." She said as she walked back to the front of the classroom.

"Now." She began as she passed out books.

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells." I told her, skimming through the book.

"Miss Granger, I don't believe I asked. That will be detention." She said starting to lose her temper.

"But Professor!" I tried to reason.

"Do you want to make it two detentions?" 

"No professor." I looked down in embarrassment.

"As I was saying." Umbridge said, continuing her lesson. I rolled my eyes in annoyance when I felt something hit my hand. I looked down to see a note. 

 Great going Granger 


I glared at Malfoy as he smugly raised his eyebrows at me.

"Mr. Malfoy, that will be a detention for you as well." Umbridge said

"What!?" He exclaimed.

"You heard me." I returned the smug look which earned me a glare from him.

"My father will hear about this." He mumbled under his breath. 

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