Chapter Two: The Almost Kiss

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A/N: AHHH I'm so sorry if it sucks I feel like my brain is turning into mush trying to come up with new chapters.


Hermione's Pov:

I swiftly walked down the hallway trying to make my way to potions class. I was in a bit of a mood at the moment. Fred and George thought it was funny to play a prank on me this morning so I spent the past hour trying to get my hairbrush unstuck from my hair, therefore making me late to class.

I scowled as my footsteps stomped down the hallway. I was almost to the potions classroom when I crashed into someone causing all my books and papers to go flying. Great. I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from yelling at whoever was making me later to class.

"Watch where you're going." The person I bumped into spat. I knew that snobbish voice anywhere. I grit my teeth as I picked up my things that were sprawled out over the floor. I was not in the mood to deal with a snobbish self-centered person like Malfoy. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my way, continuing to make my way down the hallway. I could hear his footsteps following behind me.

"What to do want Malfoy." I huffed as he walked up next to me. "Nothing." He smirked. I hate that smirk, almost as much as I hate him.

"You're going to make me late to class." I glared at him as I turned the corner and arrived at the potions classroom. I could see Harry and Ron already there. Seriously?Even Harry and Ron beat me to class. Mental note, scold Fred and George later for making me late. As I was about to walk in the door, Malfoy blocked my way.

"Let me in the door Malfoy. Professor Snape is going to take points away from Gryffindor if I don't get in my seat within the next two minutes!" I gave him a death glare, but he continued to smirk.

"I'll let you in when I feel like it."

"Look Malfoy, I'm not in the mood to play games right now let me in the damn door or I swear to Merlin I will hex you into oblivion." I spat. He grinned and moved closer to me. I kept backing away as he continued to walk closer and closer but I hit a wall and became trapped.

His face was about three inches away from mine. I started getting nervous. What was he doing? He smirked and put both of his hands on either side of my head.

" Feisty Granger are we?" He said and then closed the space between us and tried to kiss me. Thinking fast I ducked under his arm and walked into Potions class and sat in my seat. My heart was racing. What the hell just happened?

Draco's Pov:

The bet started today even just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. So, what? I gotta flirt with Granger now? Ew, absolutely not. She's a mudblood and I don't associate with mudbloods. If my father ever finds out about this, he would kill me. Speaking of the filthy mudblood, there she was with a scowl painted on her face as she stomped down the hallway.

I rolled my eyes at her for being dramatic. I don't even know how the famous trio are even friends. Scar head is annoying as hell, the weasel is constantly shoving food in his mouth, and the Mudblood is always showing off being a know it all. I thought as I saw a blur of brown hair and felt the impact of someone bumping into me. Ugh, don't people know who I am? I scrunched up my face in disgust and dusted myself off.

"Watch where you're going." I spat at them. People are so pathetic sometimes, don't they know how to walk? They rolled their eyes at me and shoved me out of the way. I whipped my head around and followed them, glaring at the back of their head. Wait, was that the filthy mudblood that just shoved me, Granger?

"Ugh what do you want Malfoy." She huffed at me. Yup, I'd recognize that appalling voice anywhere. Time to put on a show.

"Nothing." I smirked. "You're going to make me late to class." She glared at me and stomped around the corner. I smirked to myself. It was go time. She was about to walk into potions class when I blocked the doorway, preventing her from entering. Please, this was going to be so easy.

"Let me in the door Malfoy. Professor Snape is going to take points away from Gryffindor if I don't get in my seat within the next two minutes!" She said as she gave me a death glare as I smirked at her. Going to play hard to get, are we? Well, two can play that game Granger.

"I'll let you in when I feel like it." I said testing her.

"Look Malfoy, I'm not in the mood to play games right now let me in the damn door or I swear to Merlin I will hex you into oblivion." She spat at me. Wow someone's not in a good mood. Normally I would want to hex this annoying know-it-all to death but I made a bet and I was not going to lose.

I guess I'll just have to try harder then. I grinned and moved closer to her. I smirked to myself as she kept backing away until she was trapped. I walked closer to her until my face was about three inches away from hers. I could see she was starting to get nervous. Perfect. I smirked and put both of my hands on either side of her head.

"Feisty Granger are we?" Well here goes nothing. I then closed the little gap between us and tried to kiss her but then she quickly ducked under my arm and walked right into potions class, sitting right in her seat. Ugh, that mudblood. I walked in and sat down in my seat glaring at her. Great going, just wait until Blaise hears about this. I thought as I rolled my eyes. One thing was for sure, this was going to be much harder than I thought.

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