Chapter Fifteen: Was It Really All A Lie?

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"...please just give me a chance." I begged, in hopes she'll forgive me but I knew deep down inside me that she would never forgive me. "How can I believe you after what you did? I'm sorry Malfoy but whatever we had between us is over." And like that she was gone.

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Hermione's Pov:

I ran. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. I couldn't believe this entire time it was all fake. He never actually liked me he was just pretending. It was all fake, it was never real. God, how could I have been so stupid?  I burst into the common room, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Hey mione." A cheerful ginny exclaimed as she walked over to me.

"Guess wha- " She started but stopped once she saw my tear-stained face.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Her eyes scanned over me as if she was trying to figure out why I was so distraught. I tried to keep it together, but I couldn't. I dropped to the floor, sobs wracking my body.

"Oh Mione, what happened?" Ginny muttered as she sat on the floor next to me. I tried to speak, but the tears wouldn't stop coming.

"What's going on?" I heard Harry say as he entered the common room.

"Harry you were right, I should've listened to you, I don't know why I thought  Malfoy could change, I shouldn't have lied to you, all of you. Harry, I'm so sorry." I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face.

"What did that git do now." His face scrunched up in anger.

"It was all a lie, It was fake. He was only pretending to like me. He made a bet with Zabini that he could get me to fall for him and guess what? He won. I, Hermione Granger somehow managed to fall in love with Draco Malfoy. I can't believe I was so blind." I whispered, more tears threatening to spill. Ginny pulled me into a hug, gently rubbing my back as my sobs subsided.

"I'll kill him." Harry spat darkly.

"Harry, don't, it's not worth it." I tried to reason with him, but I don't think I've ever seen him this angry before. Ginny and I shared a look as he stormed out of the Gryffindor common room. We knew exactly where he was going.

"Harry wait up!" Ginny called out as we raced after him. This was not going to end well.

Harry's Pov:

I was beyond furious. How dare Malfoy play Hermione like that? I stormed through the hallways, seething with anger. I was going to find that ferret if it's the last thing I'll do.

"Malfoy!" My voice boomed through the hallway as I spotted him.

Draco's Pov:

Well, shit. I knew this was coming and there is no way I was going to make it out of this alive.

"How dare you play Hermione like that." He spat, venom dripping with every word.

"I could kill you right now for what you did, but Hermione wouldn't want that because unlike you she actually cares." I flinched, this was not going to end well.

"Listen, Potter just hear me out." I begged, which is something that I would never in a million years expect myself to do but here I am.

"Why should I?" He spoke bitterly.

"At first it was just a silly little bet but it turned into so much more than that. The more I spent time with Granger the more I realized, she wasn't so bad after all. When I'm with her, I don't have to put up my perfect little image, I don't have to be the best, I don't have to be the Perfect little child my father wants me to be, I don't have to be anything except my real self. Hermione brought out the best in me. I've changed, I really have, just give me another chance." I explained, hoping that maybe just maybe there was a chance to fix everything between me and Hermione.

"And why should I believe you?" He crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"Because I-" I gulped. This is it, it's now or never.

"I fell in love with her." I heard a small gasp from behind me. I quickly turned around to see Hermione standing there astounded, her eyes wide.

"You what?" She uttered breathlessly as I stood there with a look of pure horror. She found out. She now knew my biggest secret.

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