Chapter Four: The Astronomy Tower

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Hermione's Pov:

 I walked away from Malfoy still trying to process what I just agreed to. Did Malfoy just apologize? To me of all people and asked to meet him at the Astronomy tower? What in the name of Merlin? I'm not sure whether I should be panicking or surprised by his actions. Since when has Draco Malfoy ever apologized to anyone? I feel like this is a trap, he's never nice. Ever.

Unless, maybe he wanted something from me. What could he possibly want? Maybe I shouldn't go. Although, I really want to know what was going on with him. One minute he's trying to kiss me in the hallway and the next he apologizes and tells me to meet him somewhere private. If that's not suspicious then I don't know what is. 

Draco's Pov:

I waited impatiently at the astronomy tower. It's not like I expected her to come. I can't even believe I asked this mudblod to come with me here. Every time I think about it, I just want to smack myself in the forehead. What was I even supposed to say?

Hey, the only reason why I'm even talking to someone like you is because I made this bet with my best friend that I could get you to fall for me for twenty galleons. Absolutely not. I was deep in thought when I heard a pair of soft footsteps behind me. I whipped my head around to see Granger. She looked at me suspiciously while raising an eyebrow.

"About time." I said rolling my eyes and turning back around, leaning over the railing.

"You know Malfoy, if you keep rolling your eyes like that  they're going to get stuck to the back of your head." She said suddenly appearing right next to me. I snorted.

"Oh please. You can't be serious." She shrugged and leaned against the railing.

"Suit yourself but we'll see who'll be the one laughing when you're crying about your eyes getting stuck." How dare she. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her trying to hold back her laughter.

"How dare you. I don't cry. besides, that'll never happen." I spat as she snorted letting out her laughter. I glared at her. How dare this.. this... piece of filth laugh at me. 

"What's so funny." I snarled as she laughed harder.

"Do I have to remind you of third year?" She said turning to face me. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Yeah, what about it." My eyes still shooting daggers at her.

"Well if I recall, when I punched you, you ran away crying." She said in between her laughter. Yeah, I'll admit that wasn't my proudest moment.

"I did not." I scoffed which caused to her laugh even more. I can't believe this imbecile.

"Yes, you did." She replied with a smug smirk on her face.

"Didn't." I grumbled.

"Did." She retorted, cracking a smile.

"Why did you even tell me to meet you here anyway? Do you have some sort of sneaky trick up your sleeve? Because I can promise you that I won't be falling for any of your-" She started but I cut her off.

"No, no reason." I said looking at the sky.

"Oh... then why did you say you needed to talk to me?" Granger asked curiously, copying me and looking up at the sky. 

"I'm not really sure." Which was partially the truth. I really didn't know why I invited her here, I didn't have to talk to her like I said I did. I just needed to get a move on before Blaise would start harassing me about it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked turning to look at me.

"what?" I said looking at her completely confused.

"The view, I mean you can see everything from up here." She replied amazed.

"I guess so." I said as I began to smile a bit.

"Well, I better head off to bed. Goodnight Mafloy." And like that she was gone. I guess hanging out with Granger wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. As much as I hate to say this, I think I actually enjoyed it. 

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