Chapter Nine: Fights And Ruined Relationships

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"It's alright Malfoy." I said giving him an understanding smile and I hugged him. I never knew what he went through. Even though everyone thought he lived the perfect life, he didn't. He let out a look of shock and hesitantly hugged me back to which it was my turn to be shocked. In the midst of me and Draco hugging, I saw a flash of raven-colored hair out of the corner of my eye. "Mione??"

                         ➪𝙲 𝙷 𝙰 𝙿 𝚃 𝙴 𝚁  9

At that, me and Draco jumped apart and Malfoy dusted himself off.

"Mione what are you doing with that greasy blond ferret!?" I looked up to see a fuming Harry and a scowling Malfoy.

"Well I-" I started but got cut off by Harry.

"YOU!" He spat pointing an accusing finger at Draco.

 "Stay the hell away from Mione!" 

"Harry, hear me ou-" I tried to say but Harry cut me off once again. 

"And you!" He said angrily and he spun around and pointed his finger that once pointed at Draco, at me. "I knew something weird was happening!" 

"Harry I-" 

"You lied to me Hermione! I thought I could trust you, I guess I was wrong." Harry yelled furiously.

 "Harry please!" I cried out trying to reason with him but he shoved me aside with a disappointed look on his face. 

"Save it Hermione, I don't want to hear it." He said angrily and stormed off. I stood there absolutely stunned. 

"Granger, are you okay?" Malfoy asked me softly. I looked up at him and a pang of guilt washed through me. What have I done? I just lost my best friend and it's all my fault.

"Granger?" He asked again and started to walk towards me. 

"I'm fine, Just go away. You ruined everything!" I shouted out in frustration but immediately regretted it as I saw Malfoy's once soft-looking expression turn into a cold scowl. 

"Fine, have it your way then, I never liked you any way you filthy mudblood." He spat turning on his heel and walking off. Everything felt numb. It was like all the air had been taken from my lungs. My heart was pounding. My eyes watered. Why must I always ruin everything?  I thought to myself as I sank to the floor in despair. I wrapped my arms around my legs, laid my head on my arms, and began to cry softly. No. I mustn't cry. I was going to be strong. I'm Hermione Granger for Merlin's beard! I'm the brightest witch of my age.

I quickly wiped my tears and got up from the floor dusting myself off. If Harry can't handle the fact that Malfoy and I hugged then that's his problem. I straightened my posture and began to walk towards the girl's Dormitories. 

------------------TIME SKIP------------------

I woke up to a bright light shining in my face. I shielded my eyes, groggily sitting up rubbing my eyes, and got dressed in my robes. As I went down to the Great Hall for breakfast, I had this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I really hoped that Harry cooled off a bit overnight. I took a deep breath and went over to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Ginny, and across from Harry and Ron. 

"Good morning." I said rather cheerfully trying to lighten the mood. Harry just glared at me, and Ron refused to even look my way.

"What's wrong?" I asked them nervously having a feeling I already knew what was happening.

"Hermione, Harry told us." Ginny mumbled quietly.

"Hermione what the bloody hell is going on between you and Malfoy?!" Ron spat looking me dead in the eye.

"I um, what do you mean?" I laughed nervously.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Hermione, I saw you two last night with my own eyes. How long has this been going on!?" Harry said furiously. I ignored Harry and took a couple of pieces of bacon, placing them on my plate.

 "Well!?" Ron hissed scowling at me.

"Well, what Ronald? I don't have to tell you guys anything, it's none of your concern nor business, so I suggest you keep your noses out and stick them elsewhere." I replied sassily as I piled some food on my plate.

"But Malfoy is a complete stuck-up git who only cares about himself! Hermione we're just trying to look out for you why can't you just be grateful?" I scowled.

"I can look out for myself thank you very much. I never asked you to look out for me so I have no reason to thank you. And secondly, Malfoy's changed, why can't you see that? You can't control my life. If you don't like it then deal with it, and if you can't handle the fact that Malfoy and I might be talking like decent human beings then it's not my problem it's yours." I spat at them while gathering my things and with that, I stormed out of the Great Hall. 

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