Chapter Seven: The Note

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Hermione's Pov:

I was talking to Ginny while eating a pancake when we suddenly heard a shout from Ron.

"What the bloody hell is that thing?"

We all looked up to see a piece of parchment flying over to our table

"Isn't it obvious Ron, it's a piece of parchment." Ginny told her brother in annoyance and in return he glared at Ginny.

"Yeah, I know what it is, but what's it doing?"

"Flying." She stated in a duh-like tone.

Harry tried to stifle his laughter but ended up spitting out his orange juice and burst out laughing, earning a bread roll to the face from Ron. I tried to hide my laughter as Harry glared at Ron but only to see him raising a fist in victory causing Harry to throw a bread roll back at him, hitting Ron square in the face. Ron let out a very dramatic (might I add) gasp.

"I know you did not just throw a bread roll at me." I rolled my eyes at Ron's outburst and picked up my fork to eat my pancakes.

"Look!" Ginny shouted pointing upwards. Ginny, Harry, Ron, and I looked up to see that the piece of parchment was now floating over our heads only for it to land right in my hands. I looked around the Great Hall from the Gryffindor table confused as ever about who would send me a piece of parchment. Ron and Harry both shot me weird looks.

"What's that?." Harry asked as he and Ron both shared a look. Ginny just raised her eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

"I have no idea." I said inspecting the parchment.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Open it!!" Ginny demanded excitedly.

"Alright, alright!" I smiled as I started to open the parchment. I began to read the note, and my eyes became wide and a shocked expression appeared on my face.

Dear Granger,

As much as I hate to admit this, I kind of had fun hanging out with you yesterday at the astronomy tower. I know this is probably the 10th time I've told you this, but I'm really sorry about earlier. I don't know if you'll believe me when I say that, but I mean it. Believe it or not, I'm not actually a cold-hearted and selfish person 24/7. I know you are probably thinking "what? Draco Malfoy? The most selfish and cold-hearted person in all of Hogwarts saying he's not?" Yeah yeah, whatever. I know you are either smirking right now or thinking about saying "I Told You so" because I knew exactly what you were going to say, didn't I?

I smirked to myself, knowing that he was right. How did he know what I was thinking? I shook my head trying to hide the smile on my face and continued reading.

Anyways, I want you to get to know me. The real me. The one- how do you put it? The one who acts like a git all the time? I promise I won't be a git or whatever you call me. Meet me at the astronomy tower again tonight at 8. Don't be late. And yes, I just rhymed. I'm a genius. (and yes in case you were wondering, I am smirking right now at how amazingly talented I am). See you tonight.


A smile rose to my cheeks as I finished reading the letter. Ginny noticed my small smile and decided to be a git and call me out.

"What's it say Mione?" Ginny said leaning over my shoulder trying to read the letter.

"Yeah, what does it say?" Ron asked leaning across the table to get a glimpse at what it says.

"Who's it from?" Harry asked as he did the same thing as Ron and leaned across the table, grabbing the note. I quickly snatched it away from them and started to get up from the table.

"It's nothing." I said quickly and wincing at how bad that sounded. I mentally slapped myself. Great going Mione.

"Are you hiding something Hermione?" Harry questioned me.

"No. I um, I have to go, bye guys." I said quickly leaving the great hall. Phew, that was a close one. I then went up to my dorm and got ready to meet up with someone I'd never thought I would in a million years.

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