Chapter Three: The Meeting

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Hermione's Pov: 

I wasn't sure what to think after what Draco tried to pull. The first thing that came to mind was what the hell was he thinking? I was disgusted, absolutely disgusted. Who did he think he was? Just because he thinks he's "better" than everyone else does not give him the right to go around kissing people.

As soon as we were dismissed I raced out of Potions class. I was not going to wait around to see if Malfoy had any more tricks up his sleeve. As I sprinted down the halls I heard two pairs of feet chase after me and call out my name. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was, but then two pairs of feet quickly turned into three. I suddenly stopped and whipped my head around only to realize Malfoy was hot on my trail looking straight at me.

I took off down the hallway, running through corridors but the pair of feet behind me didn't stop. Shit! I thought as I ended up at a dead end. The footsteps became closer as I tried not to freak out. Then Malfoy walked right up to me. I couldn't really tell what kind of expression was on his face, I was just glad it wasn't his obnoxious smirk. What did he want from me?

Draco's Pov:

Ugh, I can't believe this. During potions class, I told Blaise about the whole me almost kissing Granger thing and he laughed right at my face. Filthy git. What was I supposed to do? I wanted to win this bet, and besides, Granger is so gullible anyways, she'll fall for anything.

The only way to get her to fall for me in order for me to prove Blaise wrong is to do something absolutely scandalous. At least for me. I have a reputation to keep and if I have to treat Granger differently than everyone else and be nice or whatever to the mudblood so be it. I'm not backing down. As soon as potions class was over Granger basically scrambled out of there.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. So pathetic. I watched as Weaselbee and Scarhead rushed to follow her out the door and raced down the halls. They're idiots, even Crabbe and Goyle are smarter than them combined. And that's saying something. I grabbed my things and took off down the hallways too.

I guess a good time to start would be now. I saw her look back behind her and her eyes widened. Knowing she spotted me I smirked to myself as she quickly turned around and began racing through the halls like a maniac. Idiot. I followed her through every hallway, through every corridor, until she came to a dead end. Man, she was fast.

I walked towards her not really knowing what to say. She glared at me not too thrilled I had followed her around the whole school. 

"What do you want Malfoy." She spat as she folded her arms, shooting daggers at me. So moody. As much as it would kill me to be nice to Granger, I had to do it. 

"As much fun as it was chasing you around the whole damn school, I just wanted to apologize for my actions earlier. I had no right to do that to you and I'm-" I struggled to say.

Saying sorry was the last thing I wanted to do. You think I want to apologize to a stuck-up know it all like her? Knowing Granger I'll never hear the end of it. Just thinking about it makes me disgusted.

"You're what Malfoy." She sneered.

"I'm....sorry." I said as I tried to hold back from gaging. Did I mean it? Hell no.

I wasn't sorry at all, but If anyone finds out about this, my reputation is going to be destroyed.

"Oh please. Since when are you ever sorry? Besides your Malfoy, the most snobbish, selfish person ever." Okay, rude.

"Says you, you're a stuck-up know it all who likes to stick their nose in other people's business." I shot back.

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm not some blond git who chased someone they tried to randomly kiss in the hallway all around the entire school!"

"Wow. This is what I get for trying to be nice." I said crossing my arms and glaring at her.

"You call that trying to be nice? All you are is a snobbish ferret and that's all you'll ever be" She stated, giving me a small smirk. I hate her.

"And you're a stuck-up mudblood." I replied, smirking back. The smirk on her face quickly turned into a frown. Oh please. I'm not going to throw her a pity party. I don't feel bad one bit, but if I wanted her to fall for me, I was going to need to step up my game.

"Listen. I need to talk to you about something." I said as she raised an eyebrow unamused.

"Can you just meet me at the astronomy tower tonight?" I asked her and in response, she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"And why would I do that?" Just say yes you bloody idiot, I need to start somewhere.

"Please?" I said softly. Ew. I hate myself for doing this. Kill me now, I swear just hearing myself is making me gag. She sighed and thought for a moment.

"Fine... but no funny business Malfoy or I won't hesitate to hex you until you're nothing but a pile of bones." I shudder just thinking about it.

"Fine, I won't I promise. Just don't tell anyone and meet me there at 8. " I said rolling my eyes. She snorted at me and walked off. Granger is seriously going to be the death of me. 

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