Chapter Five: 20 Questions

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Hermione's Pov:

I waltzed down the hallway all the way to the Gryffindor common room. As much as I hate to admit it, I actually enjoyed spending time with Malfoy. Well, only when he wasn't being his usual snobbish self.

"Where have you been?" A voice asked startling me, and nearly giving me a heart attack. I turned around to see a glaring Harry tapping his foot on the floor with his arms crossed.

Molly Weasley who? I thought while I clutched my hand to my heart as Harry had just scared the literal life out of me.

"Harry, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I said as I plopped down on the red couch in the middle of the common room, exhausted.

"What are you doing up so late?" Harry asked me as he came over and sat down beside me.

"Sorry I was just uh... reading in the library." I replied trying to sound as convincing as possible. Harry just looked at me suspiciously.

"Mhm, and what exactly were you reading in the library?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I um, Hogwarts A History. and besides, since when do you care about what I read." I said as it was my turn to cross my arms and give a suspicious look.

"No reason." Harry replied, eying me.

"So anyways, what happened to you today?" he asked, turning to face me.

"What do you mean?" I said trying to play dumb. If he found out about what Draco did he would probably hunt him down and murder him.

"Well, first of all, you came to class late, which you never do. I'm even surprised that Ron and I made it to class before you." 

"You're not the only one who's surprised." I mumbled under my breath, thankfully he didn't hear me.

"Why were you so late?" Crap. What do I say?

"I um...I just slept in." He looked at me unconvinced.

"Right....but then why did you rush out so fast? It was like you just...vanished." What was this? 20 questions?

"I just had homework to do." I suck at coming up with lies. Knowing Harry, he's probably seen right through them by now.

"Mione we didn't have any homework today.." Shit.

"I um...I just was extra tired and needed a nap?" I said questioning my own sentence.

"Hermione, what's going on with you?" Harry asked, concerned.

"Nothing." I said a little too quickly.

"Nothing, nothing... just... feeling a little under the weather that's all." I replied quickly, trying to cover up the fact that I was failing badly.

"On that note." I said jumping up from the couch and clapping my hands together. Harry just looked at me weirdly, probably thinking I was insane.

"I should head off to bed so goodnight Harry." I retorted quickly and raced up the stairs.

"I will never understand girls." I heard him say as he walked up the stairs to the boy's dorms. I let out a deep sigh as I shut the door. Phew, that was a close one. If he brings this up tomorrow I am so done for. And with that, I collapsed on my bed and fell into a deep slumber. 

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