Chapter Fourteen: How Could You?

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We were inches away, face to face. Was I really gonna do it? screw it. I thought as I began to lean in too. I closed my eyes waiting for what was to come. His lips grazed mine when out of nowhere a voice says "I see you've got the girl. Looks like you've won the bet after all.

                           ➪𝙲 𝙷 𝙰 𝙿 𝚃 𝙴 𝚁 14

Draco's Pov:

Oh shit. I know that voice anywhere. Blaise. Hermione ripped her gaze away from mine and focused on Zabini.

"What are you talking about?" She asks him curiously.

"Oh, you don't know?" He replied, his lips curling into a sly grin.

"Know about what?" She raised her eyebrows. I swear to god Blaise If you do something stupid you won't live to see tomorrow. I glared at him hoping that he's gotten the hint not to say anything, but it's Blaise so I don't really have high expectations.

"You see dear Granger, I bet Draco that he wouldn't get you to fall for him, and the loser owes the winner twenty galleons. Looks like Draco managed to win, Gotta say wasn't really expecting that but I gotta hand it to you mate." And there it is. I knew he was going to open his big mouth. Hermione turned to me with a look of anger and betrayal.

"So all of this, it was a lie? You faked it all along, didn't you? I should have known then to trust someone like you. How could I have been so stupid? I stood up for you, I lied for you, and I even thought you could change. And to think I started to fall for you. I should've listened to Harry. I should've known someone like you would never like someone like me." Tears streamed down her face.

"Hermione please, just hear me out." I tried to reason with her but she refused.

"Save it, you got what you wanted." She said bitterly.

"No, I didn't, it's you that I want Hermione." I whispered hoping she'd hear me.

"You don't have to pretend anymore Malfoy, the bet's over, you won." she replied, venom dripping with her every word.

"I'm not pretending anymore, at first it was all pretend but the more I got to know you the more I realized that you're not so bad after all, and over time I-I fell for you, the real you."

"How do I know if you're not lying? You lied to me this whole time and you expect me to believe you?" She cried out in disbelief.

"Hermione, please you've gotta believe me, you're amazing, and you're beautiful and you're so smart. You're more than just a bookworm and a know it all. You have a kind heart, and you're amazingly talented, and whenever I'm with you I-I can be myself, my true self, please just give me a chance." I begged, in hopes she'll forgive me but I knew deep down inside me that she never would.

"How can I believe you after what you did? I'm sorry Malfoy but whatever we had between us is over." And like that, she was gone.

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