Chapter 2

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Salam guys!! How is everyone?!

So here is chapter 2! Hope you like it!

But just so you know it kind of have The Path To Your Heart spoilers!!

But ENJOY! And please don't forget to comment and vote!

Your support means everything to me




She was definitely surprised, no, shocked.

The last person she expected to see was him.

He stared back at her with that exact same dark eyes, bearing into her soul. And she could see that he was surprised as well.

Farida quickly composed herself once the mysterious man known as Adam Cooper arched an eyebrow toward her, she averted her gaze away from him, not knowing what to do.

A lot of questions were swirling around her mind. And all of them in need of answers.

"Nice to meet you" He finally said, he had a rich American accent as he spoke. Farida noted.

She mumbled a small 'You too.'

"Now shall we start with business?" Yusuf said and Farida nodded in agreement.

She took out the file that she needed but she couldn't help but feel like someone was staring the whole time.

And just like every other time, her instincts never betraying her, she was eyes to eyes with the hateful stare of Adam Cooper.

She looked at him confusedly before shrugging and continuing taking out her needed things and once she was done, she started explaining to them.

After sometime of explaining she talked about the management of the restaurants, she knew it would make both men angry but this is something had to be done.

"So as we can see here the status of the selling has risen up a bit and although this is really great, but the rise isn't as we hoped to be, in fact it's much less than we expected." Farida said to the two men in front of her.

"And what do you suggest is the problem to that Ms. Hussain?" Adam asks in a confident tone, like she doesn't know what she is doing.

Farida got angry.

She recognized that tone very well, she dealt with people underestimating her, and obviously Adam isn't any different.

"Well I don't exactly know it might be anything from the way of the workers to the quality of food."

"Are you saying that my restaurant is not good enough?" He asks with a huff, making Farida annoyed.

"I never said that; don't put words into my mouth Mr.Cooper." She said not hiding her annoyance at him.

"But you sure implied it." He reasoned.

"No I never said that those problems are from your restaurant, I was talking generally, meaning that it could be yours or even Mr Salih's." Farida pointed out.

That man was getting on her nerves.

He gave her the same hatred glare as the one she first saw him.

"Then what do you think could be done to fix this problem?" Yusuf cut in.

Farida turned to him, "I suggest we try something new, we could add a special meal on the menu that the both restaurants have in common, but with a good price that everyone can buy, meaning not expensive. And we say that it's only for a specific amount of time."

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