epilogue -part II-

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"Baba come on. Let me go please." Amira whined holding onto Adam's hand.

"No. I told you, you can't go out with this girl until I am sure who her parents are." Adam said sternly. Leaving no place to argue.

His little girl -well as little as a thirteen year old can be- stomped her foot and walked away. Huffing all the way to upstairs.

Adam sighed and massaged his temples from exhaustion.

Dealing with a teenage girl was harder than anything else.

"Would you please drop that smirk?" Adam let out without even looking over his shoulder, knowing for sure that Farida was smirking.

"Hey I didn't do anything." She held her hand up in mock surrender and walked to stand next to him. 

"You just had to lay it all on me." Adam glared at her.

"I never said to break her heart." She smiled, her quirky smile.

"No but you also can't expect me to send her to a complete stranger's house for a sleepover." Adam continued.

"No I did not." Her smile turned into a grin as she stood completely in front of him now. Her eyes boring into his.

And although after almost seventeen years of marriage, her beautiful grey eyes still made Adam's heart jump in his ribcage.

He pulled her closer to him by her waist. Holding her to his chest. 

"You are so mean. You know I hate it when I say no to her." Adam murmured.

"I know. She is daddy's little  girl. And that's exactly why you don't have to worry. I'm sure she will come and apologize in a few minutes." Farida's forehead touched his and he exhaled her sweet scent.

His wife, even after all these years, looked as beautiful as ever.

He loved her with every fiber within him and not a day goes by that he isn't thankful to Allah.

She was the same woman that never let anyone walk on her. A stubborn and hot headed woman who stole his heart.

And he didn't even want it back.

True to his wife's words they both heard footsteps coming  close to the kitchen making them separate.

"Baba?" Amira walked in, her head down.

"Yes habibti?"

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to pester, I just really like this friend of mine." She said, her similar grey eyes looking into his. Looking apologetic.

The same shade as her mother.

"It's okay. I know you do. But once we get to know her batter and her parents I'm sure we will let you." Adam smiled at Amira.

She was his girl and Adam is so lucky to have her. At thirteen and she was smarter than anyone else.

Adam was more than proud to have her as his daughter. Although sometimes she does get angry and stubborn like her mother but she knows what she did wrong and apologizes. That's what matters to Adam.

Amira grinned at her dad. "Thank you baba."

Adam opened his arms, gesturing for Amira to hug him.

Amira complied and ran into his arms.

He held her close to him.

He still remembered the day Farida told him that she was pregnant and what a shock it had been to them both.

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