Chapter 1b: 100th Class

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Genji and Kuroba, chatting about video games all the way to class, eventually arrived at their classroom. They were relatively early, so typically, whoever was going to take their first class hadn't arrived yet. However, despite this, the chaotic nature of the Ultimate Students was going to hit them early. Kuroba stepped through the sliding door, and just as she did, she quickly snatched a chalk eraser that very nearly fell on her head out of the air.

"That's the third time you've attempted to get me with that Damasu..." Kuroba sighed, not opening her eyes, but already knowing who was behind the childish prank "how many times is it gonna take for you to learn?"

"Aw drat!" a cheeky childish voice replied "I really thought I had you this time..."

Kuroba opened her eyes and saw the source of the voice. A young man bearing a shit-eating grin stood with his arms behind his head, casually resting his feet on his desk and acting with a childlike aloofness.

This little shit was the widely recognized Class Clown, Damasu Ouma.

[Damasu Rantaro Ouma - Ultimate Undercover Agent]

It's hard to realize this without looking at him, but Damasu is an undercover agent. Whenever someone mentions that he certainly doesn't look the part, his response is typically "That's what makes me so good at it!" He has skills though that an agent would, and is a master of disguise, and of making said disguises.

However, he is a prankster, and a dishonest and shady person. He's hardly ever seen without a cheeky, mischievous smile, and he loves nothing more than pulling low-brow pranks on his friends and classmates. Even when he brags about his big missions, it's hard to take him seriously, because one can never tell when he is lying or not.

"It is far too early in the morning for this..." came another voice near the back of the classroom "I would like at least a little peace and quiet before classes start this morning. Don't relieve me of that."

A girl with short desaturated blonde hair tied in a ponytail sat at the back of the class. Despite the fact that she was on a classroom chair, she had her legs crossed, her eyes closed and a calm expression on her face.

"Sorry," Genji apologized "I suppose we broke your meditation, didn't we Min?"

"You of all people don't need to apologize Genjitsu," Min responded "until now, you have not said a word."

[Min Kuzuryu - Ultimate Kendo Prodigy]

Quiet and reserved, Min is a master of wielding the blade. Her movements are quick, precise, and painful if dealt right. If Training Dummies could talk, they'd be using their voices to scream, because despite this, she has yet to use her skills on another person outside of Kendo tournaments. She is also skilled in other forms of sword usage, such as fencing.

Much like her mother, who is also an expert swordswoman, Min is quiet and reserved, and her favorite pastimes are meditating under the moonlight and writing Haiku's. Sometimes she does this in the middle of conversations with other people, which leads them to believe that she isn't listening to what they're saying. In reality, she is just very good at multitasking.

"There's even less people in here than the start of last year..." Genji looked around the classroom "is it just the two of you here?"

"Three..." Genji and Kuroba almost jumped when a droll and depressed sounding voice whispered directly in their ear. Looking to the right, they saw a young man with a pale complexion, a medical mask, messy long desaturated hair, and wearing a doctor's outfit colored a light faded blue/green. 

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