Chapter 11b: Outcast Contract

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"Hey! Until what time are you going to sleep!?" Toko exclaimed, bursting through Haruhi's bedroom door and yelling, which very quickly woke the mangaka up "we've gone through the bother of setting up the room contract with Hope's Peak and your uncle, so I'm not about to tolerate you skipping school!"

Haruhi still had the previous days incident on her mind by the time the next morning rolled around, so she'd been unable to fall asleep until it was too late. This had obviously taken a toll on her, as she'd gotten up later than she should have, and was close to missing her train to get to school in time.

"Oh no!" she squealed, rushing to get dressed and ready "wh-why didn't you wake me up!?"

"I tried to!" Toko snapped back "many times in fact, as did Komaru!"

"I know you're used to living in your lab Haruhi, but you've got to learn that sometimes you have to be a responsible adult." Komaru hurried to pack her bag for her while she got everything else ready.

"Says you! You still live like you're a carefree high school girl!" Toko leered "ugh, anyway, Haruhi, do you want a lift to the station?"

"Nr mrm! um gud!" she responded with half eaten toast hanging out of her mouth "I'll get there soon enough, I promise I won't miss the train!" 

"You'd better not!" Toko snapped, waving her off.

"See you later sweetie!" Komaru cheerily smiled after her as Haruhi booked it for the station.

As mentioned before, Haruhi hated how packed the trains were, so by the time she arrived at the station, already extremely irritated from waking up late, she really wasn't in the mood to attract stares from anyone else on the train, and her nervousness and social anxiety made her already awful start to the day even worse. She arrived just in the nick of time, as the train was about to leave, and rushed through the doors into a small group of people, sandwiched between them.

She attempted to make her way a little further down the train and came into a bit of a clearer spot. She'd thought the ride to Hope's Peak and the city would be smooth sailing from that point onward, so she did what she could to calm herself.

Alas, she couldn't be more wrong. For it was then that she noticed a familiar face. The boy from the previous day suddenly noticed her himself, and started to shimmy down the train towards her.

Oh no...not again...! she broke out into a cold sweat and thought awful things to herself don't look at me! D-Don't come near me! If you touch me I'll scream!

And as expected, just as Haruhi was about to move to the other end of the train, as he'd done before, the boy reached out and wrapped his arms around her.

"Sorry," he whispered "but I'm not letting go."

Haruhi could feel herself shaking, not with fear this time, but with rage! She had secretly threatened to scream if the boy touched her, but she was so angry she was frozen stiff, and couldn't help but endure it during the whole ride.

However, all of a sudden, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something. While the boy was hugging her, she spotted three girls wearing the same brand of uniform as the boy, who were also clearly members of Hope's Peak's reserve course. They'd kept to themselves, but Haruhi curiously noticed the whole time, they were secretly transitioning back and forth between staring and hiding their stares, as they spotted Haruhi looking at them.

Eventually, the train arrived at the station. Even after the doors opened, the boy whom was hugging Haruhi waited to let go, until he looked around and made sure the girls that were watching them were out of sight. He then let go, politely bowed again, and started to make his exit.

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