Chapter 9b: Twisted Sister, Baby Brother.

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"Cynophobia..." Liam repeated to himself quietly "cynophobia..."

"Are you holding up ok?" Shima asked. Liam stopped glaring at his page and looked up.

"Ah, don't worry about it," he assured her "I'm just trying to figure out what this means. Cynophobia, anyone ever heard it?"

"Well, it's got "phobia" in it, so that means it's an irrational fear of some kind..." Keiko thought "the "cyno" part though..."

"It's a fear of dogs," Min explained "the "cyno" comes from "cynopodous" which is an animanl, specifically mammals, having claws that do not retract. It is mainly used to refer to dogs and hounds."

"Oh! I see!" Keiko smiled "'s funny...I invited everyone around to help them out, but I suppose I am learning much myself. Thank you Min."

"It is perfectly fine," Min said "however, don't come to rely on me very much. I only knew that one because of my animal knowledge, which by itself is rather limited."

"Even if we study English words like Cyno-whatever, what's the point? It's not like we're gonna use it in the future, right?"

"Maybe not," Kuroba said "but when it comes to you Liam, even your Japanese is questionable..."

"Aw, shuddup!" Liam snapped.

"He has a point though. Not all of this information will be relevant to us in the Future," Neko added "for example, this question. "Explain the writers feelings in this poem" What point is there in that?"

"We are Ultimate Students with Ultimate Talents," Min considered "we attend Hope's Peak with the prospect that we'll pursue a profession based on our talents. In that sense, there's no need to study anything else."

"That doesn't always work though," Keiko reminded them "take me for example. I'm the Ultimate Volunteer. I can't easily make money on things that I just offer to do for free most of the time. It's best I study and get admitted into a good job to make a living. Besides, the Future isn't set in stone. Many Ultimate's have changed career paths over the years."

"You have a point..." Kuroba said "tell you what, why don't we all just take a break to think about this? Honestly, I need a little bit of a break."

"Yes, that sounds quite good." Shima nodded.

"Bathroom is down the hall and to the right Kuroba." Keiko pointed.

"K, thanks!" Kuroba called back as she left the room. She followed Keiko's instructions and walked down the hall, approaching the door on the left. She opened it and went into the bathroom. However, much to her surprise, the room was already...occupied.

Upon opening the door, Kuroba faced a young girl with long, dark blonde, messy hair, and a frustrated and surprised face. She looked less than happy to be intruded on.

"Who the fuck are you!?" she snapped "what are you doing in my bathroom! What are you doing in my HOUSE!? Get the hell out!"

"Sorry! Sorry...!" Kuroba hurriedly shut the door. The commotion was enough to attract Keiko's attention, who left the group and entered the hall, with a curious Min following him.

"I don't know who the hell you are, or where you came from, but if you're a crook breaking into the house, I swear I'll-!"

"That is quite enough Asuka!" Keiko interfered, as it really looked like the girl was about to punch Kuroba "I shan't have you threaten my friend like this."

"What's the deal!?" Liam and the others all entered the hallway, curious as to what was going on.

"If I were to take a guess, Kuroba was about to enter the bathroom, and then had an encounter with whoever this mysterious person is." Min turned back and told him.

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