Chapter 3b: Mystery of the Missing Maneki Neko

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"Let's just get one thing straight here," Hasami, after discussing a few things with some of the investigators on scene "I'm not thrilled about the idea of working with you." 

"Oh, no, I think you've already made that painstakingly clear," Kuroba sighed "but go on..."

"But I'm serious about solving this case," Hasami told her "and if I have to do it with you or against you, then so be it."

"Alright, whatever..." Kuroba frowned "anyway, what did those guys over there have to say about the case? What do they know so far?"

"Not a fat lot honestly," Hasami sighed "there was someone on the police force here guarding the streets from 11 till 12 last night. However, the statue wasn't reported missing until gone 5 o'clock this morning."

"So from midnight to 5 this morning was the timeframe in which it got stolen," Kuroba clarified "that's a whole 5 hour window. Are we sure that no one was about last night to confirm if they saw anything?"

"They're looking into that now," Hasami told her "officers are asking locals if anything was seen."

"It's not as if the streets are dead that time of night," Kuroba pondered "SOMEONE must have seen something or other..."

"Oh sure, let's just go knocking door to door looking for enquiries because we totally have the time for that..." Hasami rolled her eyes.

"Alright, fair point..." Kuroba frowned at her "guess we'll just have to manage with what we already know..."

"My biggest concern is that that Maneki Neko wasn't small by any means," Hasami put her hand to her chin in deep thought "it wasn't too big mind, but it still would've taken someone a fair odd while to make off with it..."

Kuroba paused for a moment before entering her next line of enquiry.

"Ok, let's try looking at this from another angle," she suggested "why don't we find out who's responsible for the statue's upkeep and talk to them?"

"Upkeep?" Hasami asked.

"Yeah, like the maintenance person. The statue's gotta have someone taking care of it if it's so valued, right?"

"Good idea," Hasami begrudgingly nodded "I'll go talk with my dad. We'll get to the bottom of this..."

After some deliberating with Shuichi, Hasami and Kuroba were taken to a small street shop. Shuichi told them that the serviceman was located inside.

"Hey!" a stout man exclaimed as the two girls entered "my shop is closed for the day!"

"Sorry! Sorry..." Kuroba anxiously apologized "the thing is we-"

"We don't care," Hasami majorly cut her off "we're here on official police business. Hasami Saihara, Private Investigator in the Saihara Detective Agency. This is Kuroba Naegi of...whatever agency she's part of. We're investigating the statue and thought we could ask you a few questions Mr...Um..."

"San. San Amekou," the shop owner said "apologies for my rudeness..."

[San Amekou]

A local metalwork expert. He forges things from many different kinds of metals he has at his disposal, mainly copper. He's also responsible for the upkeep of the Maneki Neko statue, particularly when it comes to fixing it.

"No, sir, if anything, Ms Saihara here should apologize for her rudeness," Kuroba pushed Hasami to the side, much to her disgust "I assume you know what brings us here though in regards to the statue?"

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