Chapter 7a: Prank Fight.

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Damasu Ouma was a very peculiar individual. He claimed to be the Ultimate Undercover Agent, and yes, this was the title Hope's Peak had given him, but based on his attitude and overall appearance, he REALLY didn't look, or act like the part. He was quite childlike and was a trickster and prankster, and barely ever carried himself with any level of "professionalism." Still, one could argue that this is probably what made him so good at his role. He was unsuspecting. 

However, it wasn't because he wanted to keep up a façade that Damasu acted the way he did. It was simply because that's how he was. One could say he was a lot like his father, Kokichi Ouma in this regard.

On top of that, though no one was safe from the petty and tricky nature of the young man, there was one person in particular who was the most outstanding victim to Damasu's games. Someone whom Damasu could always count on getting a reaction out of, no matter how hard this person tried to deny him the right, they always cracked one way or another...

Hasami Saihara.

Case in point, today, Damasu had offered to deliver some supplies to Hasami on behalf of his classmates. You'd think it would be a bad idea to trust him with such a task, given the two's history, but in all honesty, the reason Damasu always offered is because he knew full well that Hasami hated him, and he enjoyed the challenge of trying to make her take the supplies off of him, constantly dropping hints that they might be trapped.

Thankfully for Damasu, Hasami hadn't secured a lock for her research lab like Haruhi had. As of such, he was able to waltz right on in.

"Hasami-chaaaaan~" he cheered "listen, I KNOW you don't like it when I give you these little presents, but you have to take these off me, or else you'll struggle to get by all by yourself ok? They're not trapped this time. Or are they...? Mwehehe..."

Damasu stopped in his tracks however as he noticed a rather rare sight. Hasami has leaning all the way back in her seat with her feet up on her desk...and she was snoring.

"Whoops!" Damasu almost retreated back "I didn't realize it was naptime...Still..."

Damasu looked down at the bag of items inside, and a huge grin spread across his face from one ear to the other.

"Letting yourself get all defenseless like this Hasami-chan...Unfortunate for you, since there's a load of whipped cream in this bag...! I'm gonna get you so good!" Damasu chuckled "although...wait...Is this really a good idea? I know it's me and Hasami and all, but if I do this, there's a chance it will escalate and-Oh crud, I'm already doing it..."

Sure enough, in the process of deliberating whether or not to take advantage of the sleeping Hasami was a good idea or not, Damasu had subconsciously taken her hand and poured a pile of whipped cream into it.

"Tickle tickle..." he excitedly took a small strand of Hasami's hair and tickled her forehead with it. And, sure enough, Hasami reached up to scratch her face with her hand, only to completely cream herself in the face. She startled awake and looked disapprovingly and furiously at herself, and then back at Damasu.

"Mornin' sunshine~" Damasu grinned.

"Do you have any idea what you just started?" Hasami raised an eyebrow "because I will make sure you pay for this tenfold..."

"Oooohohooo...It's on like Donkey Kong..." Damasu sneered, as he glared her in the eyes.

Unfortunately for Damasu, because Hasami hardly ever retorted with schemes of her own to his pranks, he didn't exactly take her threat seriously. What he didn't seem to remember though, was that Hasami Saihara was a crafty, cunning, and highly intelligent girl, who merely a few moments after being pranked had used her analytical prowess to concoct a cunning revenge scheme.

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