Chapter 5: Your Unexpected Side.

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There were a few reasons why Keiko Ishimaru was the Class President of the 100th Class. The main two were...

1) He was serious, diligent, and always strived to do the right thing to the very best of his ability. No one had motivation quite like Keiko did, so if there was ever an obvious candidate for a leader, no one could do it better than him.

2) Everyone unanimously voted him and no one else bothered to step up for the role.

Even if it hadn't been a vote in the end, Keiko would likely still have been the one to take the role. He was the Ultimate Volunteer after all, and Volunteer's volunteer.

Due to his diligence, Keiko handled the role of Class Prez very well, but due to his seriousness, many people found him overbearing quite a lot of the time. He was very focused on the part of the role where he needs to assure the health and safety of everyone in the class, and in the instances where he did, he'd be a bit...over the top.

It was something that he got from one of his two fathers. His father Kiyotaka Ishimaru, was very much like him in terms of personality and diligence.

This is being mentioned because we have a tale to tell about Keiko, and how as the Class President, his attention was turned towards one particular classmate of his. Genji Hinata.

Keiko admired Genji quite a bit. At first, when they were first getting acquainted with each other, he had honestly found him to be very impolite. He didn't talk much, he always played video games in classes, and he hardly ever hung out with his classmates after class was over with. However, after taking a bit to consider things, this wasn't for the reasons Keiko assumed. Genji just had communication problems and was secretly quite shy, and the gaming wasn't a problem after Keiko got a look at his grades. Not only that, but because of his shyness, he was quiet and upon looking at his face, it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Whenever Genji DID speak to him though, he typically said what was on his mind. 

As both Class Prez and his classmate, Keiko found himself worrying about Genji. They weren't exactly the closest of friends who liked to hang out together. Usually Genji would hang out with the likes of Kuroba, Haruhi and on rarer occasions, Hasami. Especially since...

"Yo, Genji," Liam Kuwata said, as he, Mahosuru Chabashira and Damasu Ouma strode up to him while he had his head in his game "did you make a guess on what will be on our English Quiz today?"

Genji put his game down and looked up at the three of them.

"Hm?" he frowned "oh...sure..."

He reached down and picked up a book he had laid to rest on the floor. He handed it to Liam, who looked through it.

"Hey!" Liam frowned, turning the book and presenting the pages to Genji "I told you to make a guess, not 30 of them!"

"You think we can learn all that stuff in such short time!?" Damasi snapped.

"You'd better not underestimate us!"

There they go again... Keiko thought that trio of tomfools are picking a fight with Genji again...I'd interfere, but I fear I may be jumping to conclusions...Even so, there are about 30 questions on the test, so is 30 guesses really out of the question?

"You know what?" Liam asked "I'm suddenly thirsty. Go get me some juice, will ya?"

"Oh, sure..." Genji got up, pocketing his game console "strawberry milk fine?"

"Heh! You know the drill!" Liam smirked.

"Get me a sports drink!" Damasu called after Genji as he exited the classroom.

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