Chapter 10b: Counting Alibi's

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"What's going on here?" Kuroba asked as she stepped into the infirmary.

The very next day, Kuroba went with Genji and Melody around the school building to gather clues on the identity of Melody's stalker. As Kuroba had already stated, the initial suspects were the students in their class, so it would be a smart move to start questioning everyone individually.

The first place they had stopped at was the infirmary. Kuroba had initially thought it a good idea to start with her cousin, Haruhi, but upon arriving at her research lab, she had found a note on the door that said "infirmary" on it. Thus, the trio had gone to the infirmary to see her.

Of course, upon arrival, Haruhi was not the only one found at the scene. She was accompanied by Hasami Saihara, and Shimara Komaeda. As they often did, Hasami and Kuroba glared at each other scornfully, but made no initial attempts to start an argument.

"I'm not sick or anything..." Haruhi told Kuroba after she nervously checked if she was ok "it's just crunch time and I've been pulling all nighters."

"From the state of her room, it looks like she's had only snacks and soda for some time," Hasami said "I heard a loud sound through my study wall and I found her on the floor passed out when I went to investigate."

"Haruhi, I get that this is important, but such a diet will be the end of you," Shima said "that aside, is there anything you needed of me Melody? My clinic is always open if you need it."

"H-Huh?" Melody shook her head "oh, no, I'm not really sick...I just didn't get much sleep last night and I skipped breakfast this morning because of stress..."

Shima shook his head disapprovingly "That's not good Melody. With the state that your body is already in, it's unhealthy to skip breakfast. A healthy meal leads a healthy mind you know?"

"What do you mean "with the state her body is already in?"" Genji asked.

"Oh, well...I'm not usually allowed to disclose such things with other patients, but I suppose if you're concerned it shouldn't be a problem," Shima said "but to be honest, Melody doesn't exactly live the healthiest lifestyle for a busker. Her muscle strength is good, but her uric acid levels are low due to an unhealthy diet. It's much like Haruhi's situation."

"I would think that wouldn't be the case, given that she lives with the Ultimate Nurse..." Hasami pondered.

"You would think that, but mom is rarely ever around these days," Melody said "both of my mom's schedules have skyrocketed over the course of this month and the next. Most of these days I have the house to myself until the evenings."

"She actually collapsed in class a few days ago, and I had to look after her," Shima said "fortunately, some food and medicine were enough to revitalize her, but if it was any worse, I may have had to connect her to an IV."

"It's that bad?" Genji asked "even I remember to eat healthy meals. I'm not one of those gamers who lives off Dorito Chips and Mountain Dew..."

"But surely the lack of your parents presence isn't what's causing you so much stress to the point that you can no longer eat," Hasami asked "what's the problem."

"We have a bit of a situation...You three weren't in class yesterday, so you wouldn't know but..."

"A stalker case?" Hasami raised an eyebrow, slightly interested.

"I haven't d-done anything!" Haruhi panicked "please! I'm telling the truth!"

"C-Calm down!" Melody squealed "w-we're not accusing you of anything..."

"She's right," Genji said "all we need to know is if the three of you know anything about it."

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