Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

🌷Rahul POV

4:45(At Adithi and Meera's apartment)

I came into their parking lot as I was about to call them I see Meera walking down the stairs. She was wearing a really cute dress with sneakers, her hair left loose coming down to her mid-back. Her brown eyes were gleaming with excitement. She was practically jumping while getting down the stairs. Is she the same Meera who caught Karthiks collar? She spots me and comes walking my way.

Rahul your totally staring into her. My mind tells me finding a voice of its own. But I was least bothered to divert my eyes. She is looking so beautiful.

She comes in front of me ."Hello! You are early."She tells me in her chirpy voice with innocent eyes."Yeah! I didn't want to be late. Where is Adithi ?"I ask her. Trying to see something else but her . She gives me a smile -damn that smile"She is on her way."That is what she answers. Why am I thinking about her so much? I know she is beautiful but why?

Just then we hear the elevator ding and I see Meera flinch in front of me. I think she hates loud noises. We both see Adithi get down from the lift."You were complaining your legs were paining and you still used the stairs."Adithi was glaring at Meera ."Nothing happened, Right?"I see Meera giving a sheepish grin.

"Hello!Adithi."I call out to her."Hey!"She waves back to me."Let's get to the café Sharath and Karthik are gonna meet us there."I tell them they nod and get into the car. Adithi sits in the front with me and Meera sits at the back. I start the car and we reach the café in no time.

We see Karthik and Sharath already parking their cars. We park it beside them. Meera, Adithi, and I get out of the car. Meera looks so happy today. She skips towards the entrance like a little girl. We all meet at the entrance and get inside. As we were talking Karthik tells everyone"The bill is on me."

Did he just drop a bomb? Oh no."No, I can pay."I hear from Adithi. Is there gonna be another fight? Seriously we had the same kind of fights back then also."It's ok. I can pay too. Anyway, residents don't earn that much."I can see Adithi visibly twitch with anger at the mention of her salary."We are not that poor. We can manage ourselves."They are again escalating quickly.

Karthik was about to throw something back."Just shut up you two. I just wanted to enjoy myself with you guys. I thought you cleared your misunderstandings. This is not good on both parts. Apologize to each other this instant."How the hell did she change in few seconds? A few seconds ago she was all cute and sparkles. Now she is so mature and handling the situation with ease.

I feel butterflies in my stomach. What is she doing to me? What am I thinking? Karthik and Adithi apologized to each other. Karthik listens only to his mother but after this, I think one more person is added to the list.

"Now, for the payment, Karthik you will pay cause you earn more than us and we need to put it to some good use like buying me a Double chocolate milkshake with 2 pumps of whipped cream."She utters those words with a really cute grin. Now again she is back to her cuteness.

"And Adithi it's fine to enjoy, for once you don't need to always pay."She tells her in her matter-of-fact tone and sits on one of the long couches I sit beside her and beside me Sharath opposite to us Adithi and Karthik are sitting.

The waitress comes and takes our orders. We talk for a while. I think now it's my time to ask ."Actually, there is a reason I asked you guys to come here."Everyone turns towards me."Are you guys free this evening?"I see everyone nod their heads."I have a project where I have to create my line of clothing. I made 2 shirts,2 suits,2 cocktail dresses, and 2 summer dresses. After that, we have to hire models for a photo shoot and I don't have money for that."

Before I could say more Karthik comes in "So How much money do you need?"He asks me taking out his phone."Let him complete ."I hear Meera from beside me giving Karthik a glare. I give her a smile and continue.

"No, I don't need money. I want you guys to model my clothes."I turn my head to see everyone's faces. To say everyone was shocked is an understatement."See I told you he had more. You guys would be great models. I cant wait to see them in your dresses."Meera tells me turning towards me.

"You got it wrong. Even you will be modeling ."I correct her. She looked at me dumbfounded."You are joking, right? Me! modeling?"She scoffs and looks at me giving an are you serious look."You will look great. Especially the sundresses would look really beautiful on you."She looks at me and then at Adithi "You will look great Meera."I hear Adithi telling from the sidelines."Will you guys please help?"I see everyone nod except Meera.

Word count:857

I am really thankful for everyone reading my book. We reached 100 views. I can't believe it. Trust me when I say I didn't dance standing on my bed after seeing that.

*Trying to act calm so doesn't get caught in the lie.*

I won't bore you guys more with my words. Scroll down it's a double update.


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