Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

🌷Adithi POV

My whole life collapsed in a second. I wanted to just surprise him with food only to listen to him say" Today Kavya, the girl I used to like in my high school came for a job. That's when I realized I have these feelings for her." 

It's always her even if she rejects him several times it's always her. But the words said by Meera hurt me even more."Just tell her." 

All the food I had in my hand scattered down The sound made them turn around. Their shocked expressions told me I shouldn't be the one listening. I wanted to run away as far as possible. 

"I had this gut feeling you still liked Kavya and I was right. Meera you were a good friend to Karthik but you forgot about my feelings." I say the only thing that came in my mind. I did everything in my power. 

I know his answer will be no even if I try why should I wait. I ran away from there. I could hear Meera shouting behind me. But nothing was my concern. My breath rate was high. I feel very uneasy. My eyes were burning from the tears I shed a few minutes ago.

By the time I realize where I was, I was hit by a car. I could feel my body gliding through the life flashing in front of me.

Once my head hit the road I feel immense pain surging through my body. I could feel my blood trickling from the open wound. Am I dying? I want my last words to be" I love you Karthik."

I could feel my hands on something soft. I could feel my toes moving. What is happening? Am I in heaven?

 I feel my eyelids too heavy to open. But I could sense my surroundings. I slowly open my eyes. I was hit by a bright light. I blink my eyes a few times. I hear someone shout doctor, a man comes and checks my eyes to see that thing. I think I forgot that term. 

I turn around and see my mom, Namratha aunty, and Meera." Where am I ?" was the only question I could form.

"Who am I ?"Meera cross-questions me."You are Meera."I tell her." What is your full name?" she asks me again.

"Adithi Mishra –Sorry Adithi Aroura."I correct myself."Your age?"She asks me again."25" I answer."Your husband's name?"She asks me again."Karthik."I answer." Your parents' name?" she asks me again."Why are you asking me these many questions?" I ask her.

"Thank you miss Meera. I will take from here." that man says.

"Hello, Mrs. Aroura Am your doctor Rajesh. You experienced a road accident and were in a coma for a month."He tells me.

"How bad is it?"I ask him." Are you sure you are okay enough to take this information or do you need time?" he asks me.

Is it that bad? If it is I want to know."Now."I tell him.

" I am really sorry to inform you Mrs.Aroura, as you hit your right part or more precisely temporal part of the brain, you will start experiencing short-term memory loss." He tells me in a firm voice.

This is bad, this is very bad."Does that mean-" I stutter.

"You can't continue your medical practice anymore."

I didn't know what to tell. Was I okay with it? No, not at all. What will I do? I don't know. As I was thinking the doctor spoke" Mrs.Adithi can you please repeat what I told?"He asks me.

"I hit my right side of the head which affected my memory and I apparently lost my job."I tell him.

"Thank you I will take a leave now." saying that he leaves.

"Everyone get out."I tell them as well.

"But-"Meera butts in."You too Meera, your not special."I tell her in a firm voice. She doesn't speak much and goes out. I am not angry at her maybe a bit heartbroken by what she said. I just want some time.

I saw what happened. I was angry, anguished, heartbroken, and tormented. I ran out of that room. I ran out. I was hit by a car and I landed here, Then I got to know I was in a coma and I lost my job. Can this be any more brutal? I should stop thinking.

"I wanna talk."I hear someone say. I turn my head to see Priya.

"I told you I wanna be left alone."I tell her.

"You can't always push everyone when you are in problems." she tells me.

" It's my wish."I tell her.

"I know you need someone by your side, Why are you denying it?"She tells in a firm voice.

"What are you implying?"I ask her." You fazed away after you left me." she tells me crying.

"This accident made me feel you will leave me permanently." She tells her voice breaking.

"I never left you Priya," I tell her slowly." You did Akka"( An endearing term used to call elder sister) she was crying.

"Do you know I was alone in the home always? Did you know I wanted to achieve something in life? Do you even know you gave up your dream!"She shouts.

"My dream?"I question her, my memories were filling slowly."You never wanted to be a doctor! You only did that because dad made you do that! You had an awesome dream and you seriously gave up on that!"She exclaims.

I was sitting in my room crying at what Karthik said to me. Why did I like him so much? Frankly speaking, would a 15-year girl understand love, it is just attraction? I mean would I understand true love. It's been a week since I was in my bedroom. I didn't come out. My mom was worried my dad was angry that I was wasting time not studying.

My dad knocked on the door as I sat in the corner of my room." If you had listened to me this would never happen." my dad said to me."WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"I shout."Don't raise your voice am your father." He says in a firm tone.

I might or might not have lied to them that I have been crying because the students in the school are bullying. It's true but I did lie.

"What do I do?" I ask him." If you want I will pay for your intermediate in Kota you can go and study there. After that come and do medicine and become a doctor."He told me.

I don't know what has gotten into me that time."Ok!"I just accepted. The only thing I knew was to leave my own house.

"I wanted to-" I continued as my past played."You wanted to be an artist Akka. After leaving for Kota you forgot my existence. I was just a part of your life with little to no significance." She tells me.

My mind now was only thinking about –I was not there for Priya but I can't lose her, I know she is very important to me.

"Come here ."I stretch my arms. She slowly comes and hugs me.

"I am sorry, I was consumed about my own problems to think about you. Will you forgive me?"I ask her truthfully.

"I know, you were in a lot of problems. I understand please don't leave me."She tells sobbing a bit.

"Did something happen?"I ask her."A lot happened. But everything is fine now, I just don't want you to feel anything bad. I know it's hard, it's easier said than done. I just want you to be happy."

We both were enjoying the close sister moment.

"You woke up." Says the voice that I completely recognize. Karthik is here.


Word count: 1247

Hey! I was free today, so thought why not post a chapter.  This was a hard chapter to write cause there were a lot of emotions involved. Hope I was able to capture all. Don't forget to comment and vote. I will be posting the next chapter later. Have a good day. Until the next chapter


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